


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 2001 - 6




    WHE REAS, on Sep tember  11, 2001 , terr orists  hijacked  four  comm ercial airliners, ut ilize d th em in atta cks on th e World Tra de Cent er in New York City an d th e Penta gon in Arlington, Virginia, an d were prepar ing to use th e fourth airliner in an atta ck  when  a passe nger revolt ma y ha ve cau sed th e airliner to cra sh in rura l Penn sylvan ia , short of it s int ended tar get; an d


    WHE REAS, in light of th e atta cks an d th e need to provide enhan ced secur ity at th e nat ion's airport s, Pr eside nt George W. Bush ha s ann oun ced an aggressive  new  airline safety plan ; an d


    WHE REAS, part of th e Pr eside nt 's plan requests that th e nat ion's govern ors call up th eir stat e Nat iona l Guar d, at fede ra l expe nse, to provide a visible arm ed deterr ent in all comm ercial airport s that do not yet ha ve a su fficient secur ity prese nce unt il th e new plan is in place an d ha s been activat ed; an d


    WHE REAS, th e Fede ra l Aviat ion Administrat ion will provide for th e mana gement an d tra ining of th e Nat iona l Guar d personn el assigned to th is dut y; an d


    WHE REAS, Art icle V, Section 12 of th e Constitut ion of th e stat e of Michigan of 1963 empowers th e Govern or as comman der-in -ch ief of th e arm ed for ces of th e stat e to call out th ose for ces to execut e th e laws of th e stat e; an d


    WHE REAS, un der th e Michigan Militar y Act, Act. No. 150 of th e Pu blic Act s of 1967 , as am ended , being Section 32.501 et seq. of th e Michigan Compiled  Laws,  th e Govern or is auth orized to activat e th e nat iona l guar d "for service in aid of civil auth ority, wheth er stat e or fede ra l;"




    NOW,  THE REF ORE,  by  virtu e  of  th e  constitut iona l  auth ority  vested  in  me  as Comman der-in-Chief of th e militar y for ces of th e stat e of Michigan an d pur suant  to Section

    151 of Act No. 150 of th e Pu blic Act s of 1967 , as am ended , being Section 32.551 of th e Michigan Compiled Laws, th e Adjutant Genera l is hereby directed to order to active stat e service, un it s an d individua ls of th e Michigan Nat iona l Guar d which in his discretion he deems appropriat e to ensur e th e safety of Michigan 's comm ercial airport s an d oth erwise to assist in fede ra l effort s to secur e th ose airport s. Un it s or individua ls called to active stat e service will term inat e such  service  when  determ ined  by  th e  Adjutant  Genera l  after con sultat ion with th e Govern or.


    Given un der my han d an d th e Great Seal of th e

    Stat e of Michigan th is               day of Sep tember in th e Year of our Lord, Two Thousan d One.




















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