




    FAIRS , EXHIBITIO NS AND RACING DIVISION ORR # 2001 -51 , 52 , 53 , 54

    The  Michigan  Dep artm ent  of Agricultur e,  Fa ir s,  Exhibitions  an d  Racing  Divisi on,  will

    con duct a public hear ing on proposed am endment s to Regulat ion 808 , Pa yment of Breede r ’s Awar ds; Regulat ion 812 , Stat e Pur se Supplement for Harn ess Horse  Racing  an d  Par i- mutu el Tra cks at Fa ir s; Regulat ion 814 , Michigan Futur ity an d Sire Stak e Races; an d Regulat ion 820 , Michigan Bred Par i-mutu el Races. The ru les ar e being am ended to comply with th e Racing Law.


    The public hear ing will be held on Tuesd ay December 18, 2001 , beginn ing at 11:00 AM, at th e Otta wa Building, Upp er Park ing Level ,  Conference  Room  #4,  625  West  Otta wa, Lan sing, MI  48933 .


    The proposed ru les (ident ified as 2001 -051 AC, 2001 -052 AC, 2001 -053 AC an d 2001 -054 AC) can  be  downloaded   from   th e  Int ern et   thr ough   th e  Office  of  Regulat ory  Reform   at htt p://www /migov.stat e.mi.us/ru les/orr . Copies of th e proposed ru les ma y be obta ined by conta ct ing:


    Fa ir s, Exhibitions an d Racing Divisi on Michigan Dep artm ent of Agricultur e

    PO Box 30017

    Lan sing, Michigan  48909 Telep hone:  (517 ) 241 -2529

    Fa x:  (517 ) 241 -4217

    E-ma il: devins@stat e.mi.us


    All int erested persons ar e invited to att end an d prese nt th eir view s. It is requested that all stat ement s be submitt ed in writing for th e hear ing recor d. Anyone una ble to att end ma y submit  comm ent s  in  writing  to  Fa ir s,   Exhibitions   an  Racing   Divisi on,   Michigan Dep artm ent of Agricultur e, at th e address above. Writt en comm ent s mu st be received by December 21, 2001 .




    Persons needi ng a ccomm odat ions for effect ive part icipat ion in th e meeting should conta ct th e Fa ir s, Exhibitions an d Racing Divisi on, at (517 ) 241 -2529 , a week in advan ce to request mobility, visua l, hear ing, or oth er assistan ce.


    Pr omu lgat ion of th ese ru les is pur suant to th e auth ority con ferr ed on th e comm ission of agricultur e by sections 7(4) of Act No. 361 of th e Pu blic Act s of 1978 , as am ended , being Section 285 .161 , et. Seq., of th e Michigan Compiled Laws, also kn own as th e Michigan Exposition an d Fa irgroun ds Act . These ru les becom e effect ive 15 days after filing with th e Secretar y of Stat e.



    Dan Wyant , Director



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