



    ORR #2001 -079


    The  Director  of th Dep artm ent  of Consum er  an d  Industr y Services  an d  th e Bur eau  of Comm ercial Services ann oun ce th e notice of public hear ing on:


    Reside nt ia l Builders an d Maint enan ce an d Alterat ion Contra ctors - Genera l Rules Part 5.  Complaint s an d Hear ings



    T o Wh om I t M a y C on ce rn:


    Please tak e notice that pur suant to th e provisions of th e Administrat ive Pr oced ur es Act of 1969 (Act No. 306 of th e Pu blic Act s of 1969 , as am ended ), th e Michigan Dep artm ent of Consum er an d Industr y Services will conduct a public hear ing. This public hear ing will be held  to  receive  comm ent  for  a  proposed  addition  to  th e  Reside nt ial  Builders   an d Maint enan ce an d Alterat ion Contra ctors Genera l Rules.  The public hear ing will be held:


    T hur sd a y, N ove m be r 29 , 2001

    G. Menn en William s Law Building First Floor Auditorium

    525 W. Otta wa Str eet

    Lan sing, Michigan 48909 9:00 a.m. unt il 11:00 a.m.



    The pur pose of a public hear ing is to a llow all persons an  opportun ity to prese nt  data , view s, an d ar gum ent s relat ive to ru le proposed by th e dep artm ent . Ora l an d/or writt en testimony will be a ccep ted for th e proposed ru le unt il 5:00 p.m. on Fr iday, December  7, 2001 . Persons att ending th e hear ing ar e ur ged to submit a writt en summar y of remark s as part of th eir prese ntat ion. The submission of a writt en stat ement will in no way prohibit or limit th e right of ora l expressi on by an y persons at th e hear ing.




    Persons una ble to att end th e public hear ing ma y submit sep arat e writt en data , view s, an d ar gum ent s relat ive to th e proposed ru le t o: Norene Lind, Administrat ive Rules Specialist; Office of Policy an d Legisl at ive Affa irs; Dep artm ent of Consum er & Industr y Services, P.O. Box 30004 , Lan sing, MI 48909 .


    Copies of th e proposed ru le ma y be obta ined from th e address listed above. A copy of th e ru le also appe ar s in th e Office of Regulat ory Reform websi te at :  www.stat e.mi.us/orr /. Access th e websi te th en use th e sear ch capability to find:  2001 -079 .


    Th e public hearings will be condu cted in com plia n ce with the 1990 Am ericans with Disabiliti es Act, in an accessibl e building with hand icapper parking availabl e. S hould a sign language interpreter or assist ed list ening devi ces be required, pleased call 517 / 373 - 0378 TDD or 1-800 -S AY-ABLE T / V.  Requests  for m aterials  in alternativ e form ats can be m ade by calli ng 517 / 322 -1845 .







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