
    SOAHR 2006-002



    Filed with the Secretary of State on April 2, 2008 These rules take effect 120 days after filing with the Secretary of State


    (By authority conferred on the director of the department of labor and economic growth by section 4 of 1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1504, and Executive Reorganization Order Nos. 1996-2 and 2003-1, MCL

    445.2001 and 445.2011)


    R 408.30401, R 408.30404, R 408.30405, R 408.30408, R 408.30410, R 408.30411, R 408.30412, R

    408.30414, R 408.30415a, R 408.30418, R 408.30421, R 408.30427, R 408.30429, R 408.30430, R

    408.30432, R 408.30437, R 408.30445, R 408.30446, R 408.30447, R 408.30448, R 408.30449, R

    408.30451c, R 408.30457, R 408.30458, R 408.30475, R 408.30495, R 408.30499, R 408.30503, R


























































    408.30545, R 408.30546 and R 408.30547 of the Michigan Administrative Code are amended and R 408.30401a, R 408.30442, R 408.30459 and R 408.30522a are added and R 408.30417 and R 408.30444

    of the code are rescinded as follows: PART 4. BUILDING CODE

    R 408.30401  Applicable code.

    Rule 401. Except as provided in R 408.30401a, the provisions of the international building code, 2006 edition, including appendices F, G, and H, except for sections 104.8, 108.2 to 108.6, 114.3, 415.6.2.2 to 415.6.2.10, 415.6.3.1 to 415., table 1608.2, 2902 to 2902.5, Table 2902.1, 3006.5, the definition

    of "recreational vehicle" in Appendix G, and, IECC-2006, ICC EC-2006, IMC-2006, IPC-2006, IPSDC- 2006 listed in chapter 35, and the provisions of the international residential code, 2006 edition, including appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, K, M, N, O, and Q except for sections R104.8, R108.2, R108.3, R108.4, R108.5, N1101 to N1103.6 tables N1101.2, N1102.1, R404.1(1), R404.1(2) and R404.1(3) sections P2503.8, P2709.2.3, AJ102.4, Figure N3 and IBC-2006, ICC EC-2006, IECC-2006,

    IMC-2006, IPC-2006, NFPA 70-05 listed in chapter 43 govern the construction, alteration, relocation, demolition, use, and occupancy of buildings and structures, and, with exceptions noted, the international building code and the international residential code are adopted by reference in these rules. All references to the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Electrical Code, International Existing Building Code, International Mechanical Code, and International Plumbing Code mean the Michigan Building Code, Michigan



    Residential Code, Michigan Uniform Energy Code, Michigan Electrical Code, Michigan Rehabilitation Code for Existing Buildings, Michigan Mechanical Code, and Michigan Plumbing Code respectively. The codes are available for inspection at the Okemos office of the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth, Bureau of Construction Codes. The codes may be purchased from the International Code Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001, or from the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth, Bureau of Construction Codes, 2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos, Michigan 48864, at a cost as of the time of adoption of these amendatory rules of $86.00 and

    $66.00 respectively.


    R 408.30401a  Adult foster care facilities and child care organizations.

    Rule 401a. (1) Promulgation authority for fire safety standards for facilities and camps licensed or registered under the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, being MCL 400.701 et seq., and the child care organizations act, 1973 PA 116, being MCL 722.101 et seq., is vested in the department of human services and the bureau of fire services.

    (2) Until amended or rescinded by the promulgating authority, the 2003 Michigan building code provisions relative to fire safety standards for facilities and camps licensed or registered under the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, being MCL 400.701 et seq., and the child care organizations act, 1973 PA 116, being MCL 722.101 et seq., remain in effect.


    R 408.30404  Approved materials and equipment.

    Rule 404.  Section 104.9 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    104.9. Approved materials and equipment. Materials, equipment, and devices shall be constructed or installed in accordance with approvals granted under the act or by the building official. The building official shall review reports prepared by recognized evaluation services and determine if the intent of the code is met.


    R 408.30405  Professional architectural and engineering services. Rule 405.  Section 106.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    106.1. Submittal documents. Construction documents, special inspection and structural programs and other data shall be submitted in 1 or more sets with each application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by, or under the direct supervision of, a registered design professional when required by 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.101 to 339.2721. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.


    R 408.30408 Fees.

    Rule 408.  Section 108.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    108.1. Payment of fees. The fees prescribed by the act shall be paid to the enforcing agency of the jurisdiction before a permit to begin work for new construction, alteration, removal, demolition, or other building operation may be issued. In addition, an amendment to a permit necessitating an additional fee shall not be approved until the additional fee has been paid.


    R 408.30410  Violations.

    Rule 410.  Section 113.4 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    113.4. Violation penalties. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to violate a provision of the code or fail to conform with any of the requirements thereof, or erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, remove, demolish, or occupy any building, structure, or equipment regulated by the code, or cause work to be performed or done, in conflict with or in violation of the approved construction



    documents or directive of the enforcing agency, or a permit or certificate issued under the code.   A violator shall be assessed a fine in accordance with the act.


    R 408.30411  Stop-work order.

    Rule 411.  Section 114.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    114.2. Issuance. Upon notice from the enforcing agency, work on any building or structure that is being done contrary to the code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner shall immediately cease. Notice shall be in accordance with the act. A person who is served with a stop work order, except for work that the person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition is subject to the penalty provisions prescribed in the act.


    R  408.30412  Certificate of use and occupancy.

    Rule 412.  Section 110.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    110.1. Use and occupancy. A building or structure shall not be used or occupied, and a change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall not be made until a certificate of occupancy has been issued in accordance with the act.


    R 408.30414  Board of appeals.

    Rule 414.  Sections 112.1 and 112.3 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    112.1 Means of appeal. An interested person may appeal a decision of the enforcing agency to the board of appeals in accordance with the act. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of the code or the rules governing construction have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the code do not apply, or an equal or better form of construction is proposed. The decision of a local board of appeals may be appealed to the construction code commission in accordance with the act and time frames.

    Exception: Requests for barrier free design exception shall be in accordance with 1966 PA 1, MCL 125.1352 to 125.1356.

    112.3 Qualifications. The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified in accordance with the act.


    R 408.30415a Definitions.

    Rule 415a. The definition of act is added and the definitions of building, registered design professional, and structure in section 202 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    202.  Definitions.

    “Act” means 1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1501 to 125.1531 and known as the Stille-DeRossett-Hale single state construction code act.

    "Building" means a combination of materials, whether portable or fixed, forming a structure affording a facility or shelter for use or occupancy by persons, animals, or property. The term does not include a building incidental to the use for agricultural purposes of the land on which the building is located if it is not used in the business of retail trade. The term shall be construed as though followed by the words "or part or parts of the building and all equipment in the building" unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.

    "Building official" means the person who is appointed and employed by a governmental subdivision charged with the administration and enforcement of the state code or codes and who is registered in accordance with the requirements of 1986 PA 54, MCL 338.2301 to 338.2313.

    "Registered design professional" means an individual who is licensed under article 20, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.2001to 339.2721.



    "Structure" means that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or a piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. Structure does not include a structure incident to the use for agricultural purposes of the land on which the structure is located and does not include works of heavy civil construction including without limitation any of the following:

    (a)     A highway.

    (b)     A bridge.

    (c)     A dam.

    (d)    A reservoir.

    (e)     A lock.

    (f)    A mine.

    (g)     A harbor.

    (h)     A dockside port facility.

    (i)     An airport landing facility.

    (j)     A facility for the generation, or transmission, or distribution of electricity.

    Structure shall be construed as though followed by the words "or part or parts of the structure and all equipment in the structure," unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.


    R 408.30417 Rescinded.


    R 408.30418 Maximum floor area allowances per occupant.

    Rule 418.  Table 1004.1.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:


    Table 1004.1.1





    Agricultural building

    300 gross

    Aircraft hangars

    500 gross

    Airport terminal

    Baggage claim Baggage handling Concourse Waiting areas


    20 gross

    300 gross

    100 gross

    15 gross


    Gaming floors (keno, slots, etc.)


    11 gross

    Assembly with fixed seats

    See section 1004.7

    Assembly without fixed seats

    Concentrated (chairs only-not fixed) Standing space

    Unconcentrated (tables and chairs)


    7 net

    5 net

    15 net

    Bowling  centers,  allow  5  persons  for  each  lane

    including  15  feet  of  runway,  and  for  additional areas


    7 net

    Business areas

    100 gross

    Courtrooms-other than fixed seating areas

    40 net

    Day care

    35 net


    50 gross


    Classroom area

    Shops and other vocational room areas Locker rooms


    20 net

    50 net

    15 gross



    Exercise rooms

    50 gross

    H-5 Fabrication and manufacturing areas

    200 gross

    Industrial areas

    100 gross

    Institutional areas Inpatient treatment areas Outpatient areas Sleeping areas


    240 gross

    100 gross

    120 gross

    Kitchens, commercial

    200 gross


    Reading rooms Stack area


    50 net

    100 gross

    Locker rooms

    50 gross


    Areas on other floors  Basement and grade floor areas Storage, stock, shipping areas


    60 gross

    30 gross

    300 gross

    Parking garages

    200 gross


    200 gross

    Skating rinks, swimming pools Rink and pool



    50 gross

    15 gross

    Stages and platforms

    15 net

    Accessory  storage  areas,  mechanical  equipment room


    300 gross


    500 gross

    For SI:  1 square foot = 0.0929 m2


    R 408.30421  Emergency escape and rescue.

    Rule 421.  Section 1026.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    1026.1  General.  In addition to the means of egress required by this chapter, provisions shall be made for emergency escape and rescue in group R as applicable in section 101.2, classrooms greater than 250 feet2 (23.2 m2) in group E, and group I-1 occupancies.  Basements and sleeping rooms below the fourth story  above  grade  plane  shall  have  at  least  1  exterior  emergency  escape  and  rescue  opening  in accordance with this section.  Where basements contain 1 or more sleeping rooms, emergency egress and rescue openings shall be required in each sleeping room, but shall not be required in adjoining areas of the basement.  Such opening shall open directly into a public street, public alley, yard, or court. Exceptions:

    1.     In other than group R-3 occupancies as applicable in section 101.2, buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

    2.     In other than group R-3 occupancies as applicable in section 101.2, sleeping rooms provided with a door to a fire-resistance-rated corridor having access to 2 remote exits in opposite directions.

    3.     The emergency escape and rescue opening is permitted to open onto a balcony within an atrium in accordance with the requirements of section 404, provided the balcony provides access to an exit and the dwelling unit or sleeping unit has a means of egress that is not open to the atrium.

    4.      Basements with a ceiling height of less than 80 inches (2032 mm) shall not be required to have emergency escape and rescue windows.

    5.    High-rise buildings in accordance with section 403.

    6.     Emergency escape and rescue openings are not required from basements or sleeping rooms which have an exit door or exit access door that opens directly into a public street, public alley, yard, egress court, or to an exterior exit balcony that opens to a public street, public alley, yard, or egress court.



    7.     Basements without habitable spaces and having not more than 200 square feet (18.6 square meters) in floor area shall not be required to have emergency escape windows.


    R 408.30427  Barrier free design for buildings, structures, and improved areas.

    Rule 427. Sections 1101.2 and 1109.7 of the code are amended and section 1103.2.16 is added to the code to read as follows:

    1101.2 Design. Buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with 1966 PA 1, MCL 125.1351 to 125.1356, this code and ICC/ANSI A 117.1, except sections 611 and 707.

    1109.7 Lifts. Platform (wheelchair) lifts are permitted to be a part of a required accessible route in new construction where indicated in items 1 to 10. Platform (wheelchair) lifts shall be installed in accordance with the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.

    1.    An accessible route to a performing area and speakers' platforms in occupancies in group A.

    2.     An accessible route to wheelchair spaces required to comply with the wheelchair space dispersion requirements of sections 1108.2.2 to 1108.2.4.

    3.     An accessible route to spaces that are not open to the general public with an occupant load of not more than 5.

    4.    An accessible route within a dwelling or sleeping unit.

    5.         An accessible route to wheelchair seating spaces located in outdoor dining terraces in A-5 occupancies where the means of egress from the dining terraces to a public way are open to the outdoors.

    6.      An accessible route to jury boxes and witness stands; raised courtroom stations including judges’ benches, clerks’ stations, bailiffs’ stations, deputy clerks’ stations and court reporters’ stations; and to depressed areas such as the well of the court.

    7.    An accessible route to load and unload areas serving amusement rides.

    8.    An accessible route to play components or self contained play structures.

    9.    An accessible route to team or player seating areas serving areas of sport activity.

    10.        An accessible route where existing exterior site constraints make use of a ramp or elevator infeasible.

    1103.2.16. Military, fire service, and police facilities. Housing, bathing, toilet, training, and storage areas intended for use and occupancy exclusively by military, fire service, police, or security personnel required to be physically agile are not required to be accessible.


    R 408.30429  High-rise buildings.

    Rule 429.  Sections 403.1, 403.13, 907.2.12, and 907.8.2 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    403.1.  Applicability.  The provisions of this section shall apply to buildings having the occupied floors located more than 55 feet (16764 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Exception:  The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following buildings and structures:

    1.    Airport traffic control towers in accordance with section 412 of the code.

    2.    Open parking garages in accordance with section 406.3 of the code.

    3.    Buildings with an occupancy in group A-5 in accordance with section 303.1 of the code.

    4.    Low-hazard special industrial occupancies in accordance with section 503.1.1 of the code.

    5.    Buildings with an occupancy in group H-1, H-2, or H-3 in accordance with section 415 of the code.

    6.    Existing buildings having occupied floor levels not more than 75 feet (22860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access where the local unit of government complies with the following:

    6.1.     The local unit of government has a municipal fire department with an ISO rating of 3 or lower, employing a full-time career fire fighting staff.



    6.2.     The governing body of the local unit of government has passed a resolution affirming the use of this exception and filed that resolution with the department of labor & economic growth, bureau of construction codes.

    403.13. Smokeproof exit enclosures. Every required stairway serving floors more than 55 feet (16764 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall comply with sections 909.20 and

    1020.1.7 of the code.

    907.2.12. High-rise buildings. Buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 feet (16764 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system and an emergency voice/alarm communication system in accordance with section 907.2.12.2 of the code.


    1.    Airport traffic control towers in accordance with sections 412 and 907.2.22 of the code.

    2.    Open parking garages in accordance with section 406.3 of the code.

    3.    Buildings with an occupancy in group A-5.

    4.    Low-hazard special occupancies in accordance with section 503.1.1 of the code.

    5.    Buildings with an occupancy in group H-1, H-2, or H-3 in accordance with section 415 of the code.

    907.8.2. High-rise buildings. In buildings used for human occupancy that have floors located more than 55 feet (16764 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, a separate zone by floor shall be provided for all of the following types of alarm-initiating devices where provided:

    1.    Smoke detectors.

    2.    Sprinkler water-flow devices.

    3.    Manual fire alarm boxes.

    4.    Other approved types of automatic fire detection devices or suppression systems.


    R 408.30430 Liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities.

    Rule 430.  Section 415.6.3 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    415.6.3. Liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities. The design and construction of propane, butane, propylene, butylene, and other liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Michigan liquified petroleum gas code, R 29.3801 to R 29.4035. The storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas systems shall conform to the international fire code listed in chapter 35. The design and installation of piping, equipment, and systems that utilize liquefied petroleum gas shall be in accordance with the international fuel gas code listed in chapter 35. Liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities shall be ventilated in accordance with the Michigan mechanical code, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998, and the requirements of the Michigan rules for the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids, R 29.4101 to R 29.5516.


    R 408.30432  Flammable and combustible liquids.

    Rule 432.  Section 415.6.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    415.6.2. Flammable and combustible liquids. The storage, handling, processing, and transporting of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with the Michigan mechanical code, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998, and the international fire code listed in chapter 35, and the requirements of the Michigan rules for the storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids, R 29.4101 to R 29.5516.


    R 408.30437 Truss design drawings.

    Rule 437.  Section 2303.4.1.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    2303.4.1.2 Truss design drawings. Truss construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional and shall be provided to the building official and approved prior to installation.



    These construction documents shall include, at a minimum, the following information.     Truss shop drawings shall be provided with the shipment of trusses delivered to the job site.

    1.    Slope or depth, span and spacing.

    2.    Location of joints.

    3.    Required bearing widths.

    4.    Design loads as applicable.

    5.    Top chord live load (including snow loads).

    6.    Top chord dead load.

    7.    Bottom chord live load.

    8.    Bottom chord dead load.

    9.    Concentrated loads and their points of application.

    10.    Controlling wind and earthquake loads.

    11.    Adjustments to lumber and metal connector plate design value for conditions of use.

    12.    Each reaction force and direction.

    13.      Metal connector plate type, size, thickness or gage, and the dimensioned location of each metal connector plate except where symmetrically located relative to the joint interface.

    14.    Lumber size, species, and grade for each member.

    15.    Connection requirements are required for all of the following:

    a.    Truss to truss girder.

    b.    Truss ply to ply.

    c.    Field species.

    16.    Calculated deflection ratio or maximum deflection for live and total load.

    17.     Maximum axial compression forces in the truss members to enable the building designer to design the size, connections, and anchorage of the permanent continuous lateral bracing. Forces shall be shown on the truss construction documents or on supplemental documents.

    18.    Required permanent truss member bracing location.


    R 408.30442  Automatic sprinkler systems.

    Rule 442 .  Section 903.2.7 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    903.2.7.  Group R.  An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings with a Group R fire area.

    Exception:  Camp  buildings  in  remote  areas  without municipal water supply that meet all of the following:

    1.    Not more than 1 story, 2000 square feet (186 m2) and 25 occupants.

    2.    Are used not more than 5 months in a year.

    3.    Shall be provided with not less than 2 exits in compliance with section 1019.

    4.    Shall not be provided with cooking equipment.

    5.     Provided with a manual fire alarm system and smoke alarms throughout in compliance with NFPA 72 as listed in chapter 35.  For cabins sleeping 4 or fewer occupants only, smoke alarms are required.

    6.    Storage and equipment rooms shall be protected by a 1-hour fire partition.

    7.    Compliance with all applicable requirements of the code.


    R 408.30444. Rescinded.

    R 408.30445  Automatic sprinkler systems.

    Rule 445.  Section 903.2.10.3 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    903.2.10.3. Buildings more than 30 feet (9144 mm) in height. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout a building that has a floor level which has an occupant load of 30 or more occupants and which is located 30 feet or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.




    1.    Airport control towers.

    2.    Open parking structures.

    3.    Occupancies in group F-2.

    4.      Existing buildings having occupied floor levels not more than 55 feet in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, where the local unit of government complies with the following parameters:

    4.1.    The local unit of government having a municipal fire department with an ISO rating of 3 or lower, employing a full time career fire fighting staff.

    4.2.     The governing body of the local unit of government has passed a resolution affirming the use of this exception and filed that resolution with the department of labor & economic growth, bureau of construction codes .


    R 408.30446 Smoke alarm locations.

    Rule 446.  Sections 907. and 907. are added to the code as follows:

    907. Smoke alarm locations in existing buildings constructed before November 6, 1974. Within each dwelling unit or sleeping unit, a single-station smoke alarm shall be installed in the following locations:

    1.    In each sleeping room or each area directly outside the sleeping room.

    2.    On each floor level including the basement level.

    For sleeping units with split levels and without an intervening door between the adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level is less than 1 full story below the upper level.

    Section 907.  Equipment requirements.

    907.  The required equipment for smoke alarms shall consist of the following:

    1.           Installation. Smoke alarm devices shall be listed and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation requirements, the provisions of the code, and the provisions of NFPA 72 as listed in chapter 35.

    2.    Power Source.  The equipment shall be operable by power from 1 of the following primary sources:

    a.     The building wiring provided the wiring is served from a commercial source and is equipped with a battery backup. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than as required for overcurrent protection.

    b.     A non-rechargeable battery able to power the smoke alarm in the normal condition for a life of 5 years.

    c.    A rechargeable battery, with proper charging, able to power the alarm for a life of 5 years.

    d.     A commercial use alarm system with battery backup listed and approved in accordance with the commercial fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72, as adopted by reference in this rule.

    3.    Audible Alarm Notification. The activation of the alarm signal shall produce a sound that is audible in all occupiable dwelling areas.

    4.        Testing and Maintenance. The owner of a dwelling unit, in which required or optional fire detection or fire protection systems equipment is installed, shall be responsible for the proper operation, testing, and maintenance of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions included with the equipment. The occupant of rental dwelling units shall be responsible for the periodic operational testing and periodic cleaning of the installed equipment within the rental unit in accordance with the testing instructions provided in the manufacturer’s instructions for the equipment. If the system fails, breaks, or is out of service, it shall be repaired and functional within 30 days.



    Exception: Smoke alarms and devices installed in buildings constructed before November 6, 1974 where an installation was approved by the appropriate enforcing agency under regulations in effect at the time of the installation shall be considered to comply with the provisions of the code.


    R 408.30447 Smokeproof enclosures.

    Rule 447.  Section 1020.1.7 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    1020.1.7. Smokeproof enclosures. In buildings required to comply with section 403 or 405 of the code, each of the exits of a building that serves stories where the floor surface is located more than 55 feet (16764 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access or more than 30 feet (9144 mm) below the level of exit discharge serving such floor levels shall be a smokeproof enclosure or pressurized stairway in accordance with section 909.20 of the code.


    R 408.30448  Electrical.

    Rule 448.  Sections 2701.1, 2702.1, and 2702.2.6 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    2701.1 Scope. This chapter governs the electrical components, equipment, and systems used in buildings and structures covered by the code. Electrical components, equipment, and systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Michigan electrical code, R 408.30801 to R 408.30880.

    2702.1. Installation. Emergency and standby power systems shall be installed in accordance with the Michigan electrical code, R 408.30801 to R 408.30880.

    2702.2.6. Accessible means of egress platform lifts. Standby power in accordance with this section and the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695, shall be provided for platform lifts that are part of an accessible means of egress in accordance with section 1007.5 of the code.


    R 408.30449  Frost protection.

    Rule 449.  Section 1805.2.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    1805.2.1. Frost protection. Except where otherwise protected from frost, foundation walls, piers, and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected from frost by at least 1 of the following methods:

    1.    Extending not less than 42 inches (1067 mm) below finish grade.

    2.    Constructing in accordance with ASCE-32 listed in chapter 35.

    3.    Erecting on solid rock. Exceptions:

    1.         Free-standing buildings meeting all of the following conditions shall not be required to be protected:

    a.    Classified in importance category I in accordance with section 1604.5 of the code.

    b.     Area of --600square feet (55.74 m2) or less for light-frame construction or 400 square feet (37 m2) or less for other than light-frame construction.

    c.    Eave height of 10 feet (3048 mm) or less.

    2.    Upon evidence of the existence of any of the following conditions, the building official may modify the footing depth accordingly:

    a.    Freezing temperatures.

    b.    Soil type.

    c.    Groundwater conditions.

    d.    Snow depth experience.

    e.    Exposure to the elements.

    f.    Other specific conditions identified by the building official that may affect the foundation system. Footings shall not bear on frozen soil unless such frozen condition is of a permanent character.



    R 408.30451c.  Flood loads.

    Rule 451c. Section 1612.4 of the code is amended and 1612.3.1, 1612.4.1, 1612.4.2, 1612.4.3, 1612.4.4, and 1612.4.5 are added to the code to read as follows:

    1612.3.1. Alternate flood hazard provisions. Absent the adoption of a flood hazard map  and supporting data, flood hazard areas as determined by the state under its administration of the Part 31, floodplain regulatory authority of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106, shall become the basis for regulation of floodplain development within the community and section 1612 shall apply to buildings and structures within those areas.

        Design and construction. Buildings and structures as defined in ASCE 24 table 1-1, listed in chapter 35, and located in flood hazard areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with sections 1512.4.1 to 1612.4.5 of the code.

        Buildings and structures located in flood hazard areas subject to high velocity wave action shall be designed and constructed in accordance with flood hazard areas subject to high velocity wave action of ASCE 24 listed in chapter 35.

        Type II buildings located in flood hazard areas not subject to high velocity wave action shall be designed and constructed in accordance with section 2.0 basic requirements for flood hazard areas and shall have the lowest floors elevated 1 foot (305 mm) above the 100-year design flood elevation.

        Type III and IV buildings located in flood hazard areas not subject to high velocity wave action shall be designed and constructed in accordance with section 2.0 basic requirements for flood hazard areas and shall have the lowest floors elevated 1 foot (305 mm) above the 500-year flood level.

        If the lowest floor of nonresidential buildings and structures as defined in ASCE 24 listed in chapter 35 are located in flood hazard areas and are not elevated as required in accordance with sections

    1612.4.2 and 1612.4.3, Type II buildings shall be flood proofed to 1 foot above the design flood elevations and Type III & IV buildings shall be flood proofed to 1 foot above the 500-year flood level in accordance with the flood proofing requirements contained in ASCE 24 listed in chapter 35.

    1612.4.5  Crawl space interior floor grade elevation shall comply with section 1807.1.2.1 of the code.


    R 408.30457  Mechanical systems.

    Rule 457.  Section 2801.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    2801.1. Scope. Mechanical appliances, equipment, and systems shall be constructed, installed, and maintained in accordance with the Michigan mechanical code, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998, and the international fuel gas code listed in chapter 35. Masonry chimneys, fireplaces, and barbeques shall comply with the Michigan mechanical code, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998, and chapter 21 of the code.


    R 408.30458  Elevators and conveying systems.

    Rule 458.  Sections 3001.1, 3001.2, 3001.4, 3002.5, 3002.6, 3003.1, 3003.2, and 3004.4, of the code

    are amended and sections 3001.2.1, 3001.2.2, 3003.1.5 and 3004.5 are added to the code to read as follows:

        Scope. The design, construction, installation, alteration, and repair of elevators and conveying systems and their equipment shall conform with the requirements of the Michigan elevator laws and rules, MCL 408.801 to 408.824, MCL 338.2151 to 338.2160, and R 408.7001 to R 408.8695 and this chapter. Installation or construction in flood hazard areas established in section 1612.3 shall comply with ASCE 24 listed in chapter 35.

        Other devices.   Other devices shall conform to the requirements of sections 3001.2.1 and

    3001.2.2 of the code.

        Conveyors. Conveyors and related equipment shall conform to the requirements of ASME B20.1 listed in chapter 35.



        Automotive lifts. Automotive lifts shall conform to the requirements of ALI ALCTV listed in chapter 35.

    3001.4. Change in use. A change in use of an elevator from freight to passenger, passenger to freight, or from 1 freight class to another freight class shall comply with the requirements of the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.

        Emergency doors. Where an elevator is installed in a single blind hoistway or on the outside of a building, there shall be installed in the blind portion of the hoistway or blank face of the building, an emergency door in accordance with the requirements of the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.

        Prohibited doors. Doors, other than hoistway doors and the elevator car door, shall be prohibited at the point of access to an elevator car.

    3003.1. Standby power. In buildings and structures where standby power is required or furnished to operate an elevator, the operation shall be in accordance with sections 3003.1.1 to 3003.1.5 of the code.

    3003.1.5. Lighting. Where standby power is connected to elevators, the machine room, car top, pit, and landing lighting shall be connected to the standby power source.

    3003.2 Fire-fighters' emergency operation. Elevators shall be provided with phase I emergency recall operation and phase II emergency in-car operation in accordance with the requirements of the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.

        Plumbing and mechanical systems. Plumbing and mechanical systems shall not be located in an elevator shaft.

    Exception: Floor drains, sumps, and sump pumps exclusively for draining the elevator pit shall be permitted at the base of the shaft provided they are indirectly connected to the plumbing system.

        Construction at bottom of hoistway. Pits extending to the ground shall have noncombustible floors and be designed as to prevent entry of ground water into the pit. The pit floor of any hoistway not extending to the ground shall be of fire-resistive construction having a fire-resistance rating at least equal to that required for the hoistway enclosure.


    R 408.30459 Elevators.

    Rule 459.  Sections 1007.4 and 1607.8.1 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    1007.4. Elevators. To be considered part of an accessible means of egress, an elevator shall comply with the emergency operation and signaling device requirements of the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.

    1607.8.1. Elevators. Elevator loads shall be increased by 100% for impact and the structural supports shall be designed within the limits of deflection prescribed by the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.


    R 408.30475  Existing structures.

    Rule 475.  Sections 3409.1, 3409.4 3409.6, 3409.7, 3409.8.2, 3409.8.3 and 3410.6.14 of the code are

    amended to read as follows:

    3409.1. Scope. The provisions of sections 3409.2 to 3409.9 of the code apply to the maintenance, change of occupancy, additions, and alterations to existing buildings, including those identified as historic buildings in accordance with 1966 PA 1, MCL 125.1351 to 125.1356.

    Exception: Type B dwelling or sleeping units required by section 1107 are not required to be provided in existing buildings and facilities.

    3409.. Change of occupancy. Unless technically infeasible, section 3409.6 of the code shall be applied in accordance with 1966 PA 1, MCL 125.1351 to 125.1356.

        Alterations. A building, facility, or element that is altered shall comply with the applicable provisions in chapter 11 of the code and ICC/ANSI A117.1 listed in chapter 35, unless technically



    infeasible.  When compliance with this section is technically infeasible, then the alteration shall provide access to the maximum extent technically feasible.


    1.     The altered element or space is not required to be on an accessible route, unless required by section

    3409.7 of the code.

    2.      Accessible means of egress required by chapter 10 of the code are not required to be provided in existing buildings and facilities.

    3.      Buildings, structures, or improved areas which exist on or before the effective date of these rules and which are in compliance with the code at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy unless the alteration specifically modifies an area covered by sections 3409.7 to 3409.9.4 of the code.

    4.    The alteration to type A individually owned dwelling units within a group R-2 occupancy shall meet the provision for a type B dwelling unit and shall comply with the applicable provisions in chapter 11 and ICC/ANSI A 117.1 as listed in chapter 35.

        Alterations affecting an area containing a primary function. When an alteration affects the accessibility to, or contains an area of primary function, then the route to the primary function area shall be accessible. The accessible route to the primary function shall include accessible toilets and drinking fountains serving the area of the primary function.


    1.     This section does not apply to alterations limited solely to windows, hardware, operating controls, electrical outlets, and signs.

    2.     This section does not apply to alterations limited solely to mechanical systems, electrical systems, the installation or alteration of fire-protection systems, and the abatement of hazardous materials.

    3.       This section does not apply to alterations undertaken for the primary purpose of increasing the accessibility of an existing building, facility, or element.

        Elevators. Altered elements of existing elevators shall comply with the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695 and ICC/ANSI A 117.1 as listed in chapter 35. Such elements shall also be altered in elevators programmed to respond to the same hall call control as the altered elevator.

        Platform lifts. Platform (wheelchair) lifts complying with ICC/ANSI A 117.1 and installed in accordance with the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695 shall be permitted as a component of an accessible route.

    3410.6.14. Elevator control. Evaluate the passenger elevator equipment and controls that are available to the fire department to reach all occupied floors. Elevator recall controls shall be provided in accordance with the Michigan elevator code, R 408.7001 to R 408.8695. Under the categories and occupancies in table 3410.6.14, determine the appropriate value and enter that value into table 3410.7 of the code under safety parameter 3410.6.14, elevator control, for fire safety, means of egress and general safety.  The values shall be zero for a single-story building.


    R 408.30495  Rodent proofing.

    Appendix F101.1 of the code is amended and F101.1.1 is added to the code to read as follows:

    F101.1. General. Buildings or structures and the walls enclosing habitable or occupiable rooms and spaces in which people live, sleep, or work, or in which feed, food, or foodstuff is stored, prepared, processed, served, or sold shall be constructed in accordance with this section. Other buildings are subject to these requirements as provided in section F101.1.1 of the code.

    F101.1.1. Additional buildings. In a community that has a vermin infestation program for the eradication of vermin enacted by local ordinance, all buildings identified within such an ordinance shall be constructed in accordance with this section.


    R 408.30499  Adoption of standards by reference; referenced codes.



    Rule 499. Chapter 35 of the code is amended to add the following referenced codes, which are available from the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth, Bureau of Construction Codes, 2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos, Michigan 48864:


    (a)     Michigan Electrical Code                                   R 408.30801 to R 408.30880,of the Michigan Administrative Code.

    (b)     Michigan Mechanical Code                                         R 408.30901 to R 408.30998a of the Michigan Administrative Code.

    (c)     Michigan Plumbing Code                                  R 408.30701 to R 408.30796of the Michigan Administrative Code.

    (d)    Michigan Uniform Energy Code                       R 408.31061  to R 408.31099of the

    Michigan Administrative Code.

    (e)     Michigan Elevator Code                                    R 408.7001 to R 408.8695of the Michigan Administrative Code.

    (f)    Michigan Boiler Code                                    R 408.4001 to R 408.5507 of the Michigan Administrative Code.




    R 408.30503  Approved materials and equipment.

    Rule 503.  Sections R104.9 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R104.9. Approved materials and equipment. Materials, equipment, and devices shall be constructed or installed in accordance with approvals granted under the act or by the building official. The building official shall review reports prepared by recognized evaluation services and determine if the intent of the code is met.


    R 408.30504  Alternative materials, design, and methods of construction and equipment. Rule 504.  Section R104.11 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R104.11. Alternative materials, design, and methods of construction and equipment. The provisions of the code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by the code, if the alternative has been approved. An alternative material, design, or method of construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of the code, and that the material, method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the code. Compliance with the specific performance-based provisions of the Michigan building, R 408.30401 to R 408.30547, electrical, R 408.30801 to

    R 408.30880, mechanical, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998 and plumbing, R 408.30701 to

    R 408.30796, codes instead of specific requirements of the code shall also be permitted as an alternate.


    R 408.30505 Work exempt from permit..

    Rule 505.  Section R105.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R105.2. Work exempt from permit. Exemption from the permit requirements of the code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of the code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Permits are not required for any of the following:

    (a)     Building permits shall not be required for any of the following:

    (i)      One-story detached accessory structures, if the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet (18.58 m2).



    (ii)     A fence that is not more than 6 feet (1829 mm) high.

    (iii)     A retaining wall that is not more than 4 feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge.

    (iv)     A water tank supported directly upon grade if the capacity is not more than 5,000 gallons ( 18 927

    L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width is not greater than 2 to 1.

    (v)     A sidewalk or driveway that is not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above adjacent grade and is not over any basement or story below.

    (vi)     Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops, and similar finish work.

    (vii)     A prefabricated swimming pool that is less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.

    (viii)     Swings and other playground equipment accessory to a 1- or 2-family dwelling.

    (ix)      Window awnings supported by an exterior wall which do not project more than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.

    (b)     Electrical permits shall not be required for the following;

    Repairs and maintenance: A permit is not required for minor repair work, including the replacement of lamps or the connection of approved portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacles.

    (c)     Mechanical permits shall not be required for any of the following:

    (i)     Portable heating, cooking, or clothes drying appliances.

    (ii)      Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment or make the equipment unsafe.

    (iii)     A portable heating appliance.

    (iv)     A portable ventilation appliance.

    (v)     A portable cooling unit.

    (vi)     Steam, hot or chilled water piping within any heating or cooling equipment regulated by the code.

    (vii)      Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment or make the equipment unsafe.

    (viii)     A portable evaporative cooler.

    (ix)     A self-contained portable refrigeration unit that is not more than 1.5 horsepower (1119 W).

    (x)         Portable  fuel  cell  appliances  that  are  not  connected  to  a  fixed  piping  system  and  are  not interconnected to a power grid.

    (xi)     Gas piping limited to 10 feet (3048 mm) in length and not more than 6 fittings.

    (d)    Plumbing permits shall not be required for any of the following:

    (i)      The stopping of leaks in drains, water, soil, waste or vent pipe; if any concealed trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, then the work is considered as new work and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in the code.

    (ii)       The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves, or fixtures, and the removal and reinstallation of water closets, if the repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes, or fixtures.


    R 408.30506  Submittal documents.

    Rule 506.  Sections R106.1 and R802.10.1 of the code are amended and section R106.1.4 and figure

    802.10.1  are added to the code to read as follows:

    R106.1. Submittal documents. Construction documents, special inspection and structural program and other data shall be submitted in 1 or more sets with each application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a registered design professional when required by 1980



    PA 299, MCL 339.101 to 339.2721, and known as the Michigan occupational code. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.

    R106.1.4. Truss design data. As an alternative to the submission of truss design drawings, the truss design data sheet may be provided to the building official as part of the construction documents at the time of application. Truss design drawings shall be submitted to the building official prior to truss installation as required by section R802.10.1.

    R802.10.1 Truss design drawings. Truss design drawings, prepared in conformance with section R802.10.1, shall be provided to the building official and approved prior to installation. The truss design data sheet, figure R802.10.1, may be provided to the building official at the time of permit application, as an alternative to design drawings as permitted in section R106.1.4. Truss design drawings shall include, at a minimum, the information specified below. Truss design drawings shall be provided with the shipment of trusses delivered to the jobsite.

    1.    Slope or depth, span, and spacing.

    2.    Location of all joints.

    3.    Required bearing widths.

    4.    Design loads as applicable.

    a.    Top chord live load (including snow loads).

    b.    Top chord dead load.

    c.    Bottom chord live load.

    d.    Bottom chord dead load.

    e.    Concentrated loads and their points of application.

    f.    Controlling wind and earthquake loads.

    5.    Adjustments to lumber and joint connector design values for conditions of use.

    6.    Each reaction force and direction.

    7.    Joint connector type and description (e.g., size, thickness, or gauge) and the dimensioned location of each joint connector except where symmetrically located relative to the joint interface.

    8.    Lumber size, species, and grade for each member.

    9.    Connection requirements for the following:

    a.    Truss to truss girder.

    b.    Truss ply to ply.

    c.    Field splices.

    10.    Calculated deflection ratio and/or maximum description for live and total load.

    11.    Maximum axial compression forces in the truss members to enable the building designer to design the size, connections, and anchorage of the permanent continuous lateral bracing. Forces shall be shown on the truss design drawing or on supplemental documents.


    Jurisdictional information should be included in this space

    Applicant's Name:


    Applicant's Address:

    Permit Number:




    Applicant's Signature:

    Job Location:





    Roof Loading Data Sheet

    Authority: 1972 PA 230                                                             Completion:

    Completed prior to application for plan review and building permit.  This form is a voluntary form used to assist in the perm2i0t a0p8pMrovRal6procAespsr.il 15, 2008
















    Ground Exposure, Pg =                                       

    From Figure R301.2(5) MRC or Figure 1608.2 MBC


    Exposure Factor Ce








    Large city center with at least 1/2 the buildings exceeding 70 ft. in height.








    Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas or other terrain with closely spaced objects having the size of single-family dwellings or larger.








    Open terrain with scattered obstructions having heights less than 30 ft.  (flat open country)








    Flat unobstructed areas exposed to wind flowing over open water for a distance of at least 1 mile.  (i.e. Great Lakes.)










    1Fully Exposed: Roofs exposed on all sides with no shelter by terrain, higher structures, or trees. 2Partially Exposed:  All roofs except those designated as "fully exposed" or "sheltered." 3Sheltered: Roofs located tight among conifers that qualify as obstructions.

    Thermal Factor Ct

    Thermal Condition4


    All structures except as listed below



    Structures kept just above freezing and those with cold, ventilated roofs with an R factor of 25 or greater between the ventilated and heated spaces, such as attics



    Unheated structures and those intentionally kept below freezing, such as seasonal building or storage buildings



    Continuously heated greenhouse with a roof R Value less than 2 and having an interior temperature maintained at about 50 degrees 3 ft above the floor during winter months and a temperature alarm system or an attendant to warn of a heating failure.




    4These conditions shall be representative of the anticipated conditions during winter months for the life of the structure

    Importance Factor




    Building and other structures representing low hazard to human life, i.e.: Agricultural, Temporary, and Minor Storage Facilities.




    All buildings except those listed in Categories III and IV.




    Building and other structures representing substantial hazard to human life in the event of failure.




    Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities.




    Attic Live Load

    Entire Attic


    Specific Areas (if yes, list areas below)


    List Rooms:


    R 408.30507  Exhaust installation.



    Rule 507.  Section G2439.3 (614.4) of the code is amended to read as follows:

    G2439.3 (614.4). Exhaust installation. Dryer exhaust ducts for clothes dryers shall terminate on the outside of the building, shall not terminate within 4 feet of a ventilated section in a soffit, and shall be equipped with a backdraft damper. Screens shall not be installed at the duct termination. Ducts shall not be connected or installed with sheet metal screws or other fasteners that will obstruct the flow. Clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall not be connected to a vent connector, vent, or chimney. Clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall not extend into or through ducts or plenums.


    R 408.30508  Payment of fees.

    Rule 508.  Section R108.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R108.1. Fees. The fees prescribed in the act shall be paid to the enforcing agency of the jurisdiction before a permit to begin work for new construction, alteration, removal, demolition, or other building operation may be issued. In addition, an amendment to a permit necessitating an additional fee shall not be approved until the additional fee is paid.


    R 408.30509  Frame and masonry inspection.

    Rule 509.  Section R109.1.4 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R109.1.4. Frame and masonry inspection. Inspection of framing construction shall be made after the roof, all framing, firestopping, draftstopping, and bracing are in place and after the plumbing, mechanical, and electrical rough inspections are approved. Masonry inspections shall be made after the completed installation of base course flashing as specified in section R703.7.5 of the code and water- resistive barrier as specified in section R703.2 of the code and after the masonry construction is completed.


    R 408.30510 Use and occupancy.

    Rule 510.  Sections R110.1 and R110.2 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    R110.1. Use and occupancy. A building or structure shall not be used or occupied, and a change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall not be made until a certificate of occupancy has been issued in accordance with the act.

    R110.2. Change in use. A change in the character or use of an existing structure shall not be made, except as specified in the Michigan building code, R 408.30401 to

    R 408.30547.


    R 408.30511  Violation penalties.

    Rule 511.  Section R113.4 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R113.4. Violation penalties. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to violate a provision of the code or fail to conform with any of the requirements thereof, or erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, remove, demolish, or occupy any building, structure, or equipment regulated by the code, or cause work to be performed or done in conflict with or in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the enforcing agency, or a permit or certificate issued under the code. A violator shall be assessed a fine in accordance with the act.


    R 408.30512  Notice to owner.

    Rule 512.  Section R114.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R114.1. Notice to owner. Upon notice from the enforcing agency, work on any building or structure that is being done contrary to the code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner shall immediately cease. The notice shall be in accordance with the act.  Any person who is served with a stop work order, except for



    work that the person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition is subject to the penalty provisions in the act.


    R 408.30513  Definitions.

    Rule 513. The definitions of building, registered design professional, and sunroom addition in section R202 of the code are amended, the definition of residential building type is deleted, and the definition of structure is added to section R202 to read as follows:

    R202.  Definitions.

    "Building" means a combination of materials, whether portable or fixed, forming a structure affording a facility or shelter for use or occupancy by persons, animals, or property. The term does not include a building incidental to the use for agricultural purposes of the land on which the building is located if it is not used in the business of retail trade. The term shall be construed as though followed by the words "or part or parts of the building and all equipment in the building" unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.

    "Registered design professional" means an individual who is licensed under 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.2001 to 339.2721.

    "Structure" means that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or a piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. Structure does not include a structure incident to the use for agricultural purposes of the land on which the structure is located and does not include works of heavy civil construction including without limitation any of the following:

    (a)     A highway.

    (b)     A bridge.

    (c)     A dam.

    (d)    A reservoir.

    (e)     A lock.

    (f)    A mine.

    (g)     A harbor.

    (h)     A dockside port facility.

    (i)     An airport landing facility.

    (j)     A facility for the generation, or transmission, or distribution of electricity.

    Structure shall be construed as though followed by the word "or part or parts of the structure and all equipment in the structure," unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

    "Sunroom addition" means a new structure with glazing in excess of 40% of the gross area of the structure's exterior walls and roof added to an existing dwelling.


    R 408.30514  Means of appeal.

    Rule 514.  Sections R112.1 and R112.3 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    R112.1 Means of appeal. An interested person has the right to appeal a decision of the enforcing agency to the board of appeals in accordance with the act. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of the code or the rules governing construction have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the code do not apply, or an equal or better form of construction is proposed. The decision of a local board of appeals may be appealed to the construction code commission in accordance with the act and timeframes.

    Exception:  Requests for barrier free design exception shall be in accordance with 1966 PA 1, MCL 125.1351 to 125.1356.

    112.3     Qualifications.  The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified in accordance with the act.




    R 408.30516   Design criteria.

    Rule 516.  Table R301.2(1) of the code is amended and figures R301.2(7) and R301.2(8) are added to the code to read as follows:


    TABLE R 301.2(1)


    Ground Snow Load

    Wind Speedd (mph)

    Seismic Design Categoryf

    Subject to Damage From

    Winter Design Tempe

    Ice Barrier Underlaym ent Requiredh

    Flood Hazardsg

    Air Freezing Indexi

    Mean Annual Tempj


    Frostline depthb





    See Note e









    See Note g




    Figure R403.3(2)





    See footnote J


    Figure R301.2(5)




    See Sec.R301.2

    .2.1 & Figure R301.2(2)





    42” See Note b


    Figure R301.2(6


    For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kN/m2, 1 mile per hour = 1.609 km/h.


    a.    Weathering may require a higher strength concrete or grade of masonry than necessary to satisfy the structural requirements of this code. The weathering column shall be filled in with the weathering index (i.e., “negligible”, “moderate” or “severe”) for concrete as determined from the weathering probability map [figure R301.2(3)]. The grade of masonry units shall be determined from ASTM C 34, C 55, C 62, C 73, C 90, C 129, C 145, C 216 or C 652 as listed in chapter 43.

    b.    The frost line depth may be modified as provided in section R403.1.4 of the code.

    c.      The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table to indicate the need for protection depending on whether there has been a history of local damage.

    d.    The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the wind speed from the basic wind speed map [figure R301.2(4)]. Wind exposure category shall be determined on a site-specific basis in accordance with section R301.2.1.4 of the code.

    e.      The winter design temperature criteria shall be taken from appendix D of the Michigan plumbing code, R 408.30701 to R 408.30796.

    f.    Design category determined from section R301.2.2.1 of the code.

    g.     The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with (a) the date of the jurisdiction’s entry into the national flood insurance program (date of adoption of the first code or ordinance for management of flood hazard areas), (b) the date(s) of the currently effective FIRM and FBFM or other flood hazard map adopted by the community, as may be amended. Absent (a) or (b), flood hazard areas as determined by the state under its administration of the Part 31, floodplain regulatory authority of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.101 to 324.90106, shall become the basis for regulation of floodplain development within the community and section R324 of the code shall apply to buildings and structures within those areas.

    h. In accordance with sections R905.2.7.1, R905.4.3.1, R905.5.3.1, R905.6.3.1, R905.7.3.1 and R905.8.3.1 of the code, for areas where the average daily temperature in January is 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) or less, or where there has been a history of local damage from the effects of ice damming, the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with “YES”. Otherwise, the jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with “NO”.

    i. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the 100-year return period air freezing index (bf-days) from figure R403.3(2) or from the 100-year (99%) value on the national climatic data center data table “air freezing index-USA method (base 32 degrees Fahrenheit)”.



    j. The jurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the mean annual temperature from the national climatic data center data table “air freezing index-USA method (base 32 degrees Fahrenheit)” at www.ncdc.noaa.gov/fpsf.html.


    R 408.30518  Means of egress.

    Rule 518. Sections R311.6.4 and R311.4.2.1 are added to the code and R311.4.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R311.6.4 Modular ramps. Modular ramp systems approved pursuant to the act are not required to comply with the requirements of section R403.1.4 of the code.

    R311.4.2. Door type and size. The required exit door shall be a side-hinged door not less than 3 feet (914 mm) in width and 6 feet, 8 inches (2032 mm) in height. Other exterior hinged or sliding doors shall not be less than 24 inches in width and 6 feet, 6 inches in height.

    R311.4.2.1. Interior doors. Interior doors shall be not less than 24 inches in width and 6 feet, 6 inches in height.

    Exception: Doors to areas less than 10 square feet of floor area.


    R 408.30520   Wood wall framing.   Rule 520.  Section R602.10.5 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R602.10.5. Continuous structural panel sheathing. When continuous wood structural panel sheathing is provided in accordance with method 3 of R602.10.3 of the code, including areas above and below openings, braced wall panel lengths shall be in accordance with table R602.10.5 of the code. Wood structural panel sheathing shall be installed at corners in accordance with figure R602.10.5 of the code. The bracing amounts in table R602.10.1 of the code for method 3 shall be permitted to be multiplied by a factor of 0.9 for walls with a maximum opening height that does not exceed 85% of the wall height or a factor of 0.8 for walls with a maximum opening height that does not exceed 67% of the wall height.


    R 408.30521  Elevation requirements.

    Rule 521.  Section R324.2.1 of the code is amended to read as follows;

    R324.2.1. Elevation requirements. (1) Buildings and structures shall have the lowest floor including basements elevated so the lowest point of the floor’s concrete or subfloor surface is 1 foot (305 mm) or more above the design flood elevation. The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the floor system shall not be lower than the design flood elevation. Compliance with this elevation requirement shall be based upon measurement taken from the floor surface without the final floor covering and from the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the floor system.

    (2)    Crawl space interior floor grade elevation shall comply with R408.6 of the code.

    (3)      Basement floors that are below grade on all sides shall be considered lowest floors and shall be elevated so that the lowest point of the floor surface is 1 foot (305 mm) or more above the design flood elevation. Compliance with this elevation requirement shall be based upon measurement taken from the floor surface without the final floor covering.

    Exception: Enclosed areas below the design flood elevation, including basements that have floors which are not below grade on all sides, shall meet the requirements of section R324.2.2 of the code.


    R 408.30522  Minimum depth.

    Rule 522.  Section R403.1.4 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R403.1.4. Minimum depth. All exterior footings and foundation systems shall extend 42 inches below actual grade. Where applicable, the depth of the footings shall also conform to sections R403.1.4.1 to R403.1.4.2 of the code.




    Upon evidence of the existence of any of the following conditions, the building official may modify the footing depth accordingly:

    (a)     Freezing temperatures (freezing degree days).

    (b)     Soil type.

    (c)     Ground water conditions.

    (d)    Snow depth experience.

    (e)     Exposure to the elements.

    (f)    Other specific conditions identified by the building official that may affect the foundation system.


    R 408.30522a  Concrete and masonry foundation walls.

    Rule 522a.  Section R404.1 is added to the code to read as follows:

    R404.1 Concrete and masonry foundation walls. Concrete and masonry foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the provisions of section R404 or in accordance with ACI 318, ACI 332, NCMA TR68-A or ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 or other approved structural standards. When ACI 318, ACI 332 or ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 or the provisions of section R404 are used to design concrete or masonry foundation walls, project drawings, typical details and specifications are not required to bear the seal of the architect or engineer responsible for design, unless otherwise required by the state law of the jurisdiction having authority.


    R 408.30525 Scope.

    Rule 525.  Section M1301.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    M1301.1. Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the installation of mechanical systems not specifically covered in other chapters applicable to mechanical systems. Installations of mechanical appliances, equipment, and systems not addressed by the code shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Michigan mechanical code, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998 and the international fuel gas code.


    R 408.30526  Sizing.

    Rule 526.  Section M1401.3 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    M1401.3. Sizing. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA manual S 3-2004, as listed in chapter 43, based on building loads calculated in accordance with the provisions of ACCA Manual J-2002 listed in chapter 43 or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies. Ductwork shall be sized in accordance with the provisions of ACCA Manual D-1995, as listed in chapter 43.


    R 408.30528  Terms defined in other codes.

    Rule 528.  Section G2402.3 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    G2402.3. Terms defined in other codes. Where terms are not defined in the code and are defined in the Michigan electrical code, R 408.30801 to R 408.30880, Michigan building code, R 408.30401 to R 408.30547, international fire code listed in chapter 43, Michigan mechanical code, R 408.30901 to R 408.30998 or Michigan plumbing code, R 408.30701 to R 408.30796, the terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes.


    R 408.30529  Lining required.

    Rule 529.  Section P2709.2 of the code is amended as follows:

    P2709.2. Lining required. The adjoining walls and floor framing enclosing on-site built-up shower receptors shall be lined with sheet lead, copper, or a plastic liner material that complies with ASTM D 4068 or ASTM D 4551 listed in chapter 43.  The lining material shall extend not less than 3 inches (76



    mm) beyond or around the rough jambs and not less than 3 inches (76 mm) above the  finished thresholds.


    R 408.30530  Requirements for discharge pipe.

    Rule 530.  Section P2803.6.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    P2803.6.1. Requirements for discharge pipe. Relief valves shall not discharge so as to be a hazard, a potential cause of damage, or a nuisance. A relief valve discharge pipe shall be provided for each individual relief valve and shall meet all of the following:

    a.    Shall terminate atmospherically not more than 4 inches (102 mm) from the floor with an unthreaded end.

    b.    Shall not be interconnected.

    c.    Valves shall not be connected in the relief valve discharge pipe.

    d.      Shall be rigid pipe approved for water distribution, with a minimum temperature rating of 210 degrees Fahrenheit.

    e.      Shall have the same nominal inside diameter as the relief valve outlet and shall drain by gravity flow.

    The outlet of a pressure, temperature, or other relief valve shall not be directly connected to the drainage system.


    R 408.30531  Duct construction.

    Rule 531.  Section M1601.3.1 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    M1601.3.1. Joints and seams. Joints of duct systems shall be made substantially airtight by means of tapes, mastics, gasketing, cleats, or other approved closure systems. Joints of duct systems located outside the building thermal envelope shall be made airtight by means of tapes, mastics, caulk, gasketing, or other approved sealants. Closure systems used with rigid fibrous glass ducts shall comply with UL 181A and shall be marked “181A-P” for pressure-sensitive tape, “181A-M” for mastic or “181A-H” for heat-sensitive tape. Closure systems sued with flexible air ducts and flexible air connectors shall comply with UL 181B and shall be marked “181B-FX” for pressure-sensitive tape or “181B-M” for mastic. Duct connections to flanges of air distribution system equipment or sheet metal fittings shall be mechanically fastened. Mechanical fasteners for use with flexible nonmetallic air ducts shall comply with UL 181B and shall be marked 181B-C. Crimp joints for round ducts shall have a contact lap of at least 1.5 inches (38 mm) and shall be mechanically fastened by means of at least 3 sheet metal screws or rivets spaced around the joint.


    R 408.30534 Venting. Rule 534. Section P3105.1 and tables 3002.1 (1), 3002.1 (2) and 3002.2 are amended and section 3105.4Pand figure 3105.4 are added to the code and figure N3 in appendix N of the code is amended to read as follows:

    P3105.1. Distance of trap from vent. Each fixture trap shall have a protecting vent located so that the slope and the developed length in the fixture drain from the trap weir to the vent fitting are within the requirements set forth in table P3105.1 of the code.

    P3105.4. Vertical leg for waste fixture drains. A vertical leg (see figure P3105.4) is permitted within a fixture drain of a waste fixture in accordance with the following criteria:

    1.    Minimum trap diameter shall be in accordance with table P3201.7 of the code.

    2.    The diameter of section A shall be equal to the diameter of the trap.

    3.      The length of section A shall not be less than 8 inches (203 mm) and in accordance with table P3105.1 of the code.

    4.    The diameter of section B shall be 1 pipe size larger than the diameter of Section A.

    5.    The length of section B shall not be more than 36 inches (914 mm).



    6.    The diameter of section C shall be 1 pipe size larger than the diameter of section B.

    7.    The total length of section A and section C shall not exceed the distance allowed in table P3105.1 of the code.

    8.    Bends shall be the diameter of the largest connected section.


    Figure N3.  Typical horizontal wet venting.



    TABLE P3002.1 (1)




    Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic pipe

    ASTM D 2661; ASTM F 628; CSA B 181.1

    Brass pipe

    ASTM B 43

    Cast-iron pipe

    ASTM A 74; CISPI 301; ASTM A 888

    Coextruded composite ABS DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe (solid)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite ABS DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe (cellular core)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite PVC DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe (solid)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite PVC DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe (cellular core)

    ASTM F 1488; ASTM F 891

    Coextruded composite ABS IPS-DR, PS140, PS200 DWV

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite PVC IPS-DR, PS140, PS200 DWV

    ASTM F 1488

    Copper or copper-alloy pipe

    ASTM B 42; ASTM B 302

    Copper or copper-alloy tubing (Type K, L, M or DWV)

    ASTM  B  75;  ASTM  B  88;  ASTM  B  251;

    ASTM B 306

    Galvanized steel pipe

    ASTM A 53

    Polyolefin pipe

    CSA B181.3

    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe (Type DWV)

    ASTM D 2665; ASTM D 2949; CSA B181.2; ASTM F 1488

    Stainless steel drainage systems, Types 304 and 316L

    ASME A112.3.1



    TABLE P3002.1(2)




    Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic pipe

    ASTM D 2661; ASTM F 628; CSA B181.1

    Asbestos-cement pipe

    ASTM C 428

    Cast-iron pipe

    ASTM A 74; CISPI 301; ASTM A 888

    Coextrueded composite ABS DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe (solid)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  ABS  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (cellular core)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  PVC  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (solid)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  PVC  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (cellular core)

    ASTM F 891; ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  ABS  IPS-DR,  PS140,  PS200 DWV

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  PVC  IPS-DR,  PS140,  PS200 DWV

    ASTM F 1488

    Copper or copper alloy tubing (Type K, L, M or DWV)

    ASTM B 75; ASTM B 88; ASTM B 251; ASTM B 306

    Polyolefin pipe

    ASTM F 1412; CSA B181.3

    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe (Type DWV)

    ASTM D 2665; ASTM D 2949; CSA B181.2

    Stainless steel drainage systems, Type 316L

    ASME A112.3.1





    Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic pipe

    ASTM D 2661; ASTM D 2751; ASTM F 628

    Asbestos-cement pipe

    ASTM C 428

    Cast-iron pipe

    ASTM A 74; ASTM A 888; CISPI 301



    Coextruded  composite  ABS  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (solid)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  ABS  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (cellular core)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  PVC  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (solid)

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded  composite  PVC  DWV  schedule  40  IPS pipe (cellular core)

    ASTM F 1488; ASTM F 891

    Coextruded composite ABS IPS-DR-PS DWV, PS140, PS200

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite PVC IPS-DR-PS DWV, PS140, PS200

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite ABS sewer and drain DR-PS in PS35, PS50, PS100, PS140, PS200

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite PVC sewer and drain DR-PS in PS35, PS50, PS100, PS140, PS200

    ASTM F 1488

    Coextruded composite PVC sewer and drain PS 25, PS 50, PS 100 (cellular core)

    ASTM F 891

    Concrete pipe

    ASTM C 14; ASTM C 76; CSA A 257.1M; CSA A 257.2M

    Copper or copper-alloy tubing (Type K or L)

    ASTM B 75; ASTM B 88; ASTM B 251

    Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe (SDR-PR)

    ASTM F 714

    Polyolefin pipe

    ASTM F 1412; CSA B181.3

    Polyvinyl  chloride  (PVC)  plastic  pipe  (Type  DWV, SDR 26, SRD35, SDR41, PS50 or PS100)

    ASTM D 2665; ASTM D 2949; ASTM D 3034; ASTM F 1412; CSA B182.2; CSA B182.4

    Stainless steel drainage systems, Types 304 and 316L

    ASME A112.3.1

    Vitrified clay pipe

    ASTM C 425; ASTM C 700


    R 408.30536  Electrical, general, electrical conductors and connections and electrical grounding.

    Rule 536. Sections E3301.1, E 3301.2, E3306.7, E3808.8.1, E3808.8.2, and table E3502.2 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    E3301.1. Applicability. The provisions of chapters 33 to 42 of the code shall establish the general scope of the electrical system and equipment requirements of the code. Chapters 33 to 42 of the code cover those wiring methods and materials most commonly encountered in the construction of 1- and 2- family dwellings and structures regulated by the code. Other wiring methods, materials, and subject matter covered in the Michigan electrical code, R 408.30801 to R 408.30880 are also allowed by the code.

    E3301.2. Scope. Chapters 33 to 42 of the code shall cover the installation of electrical systems, equipment, and components indoors and outdoors that are within the scope of the code, including services, power distribution systems, fixtures, appliances, devices, and appurtenances. Services within the scope of the code shall be limited to 120/240 volt, 0- to 400- ampere, single-phase systems. These chapters specifically cover the equipment, fixtures, appliances, wiring methods, and materials that are most commonly used in the construction or alteration of 1- and 2-family dwellings and accessory structures regulated by the code. The omission from these chapters of any material or method of construction provided by the Michigan electrical code, R 408.30801 to R 408.30880, shall not be construed as prohibiting the use of such material or method of construction. Electrical systems, equipment, or components not specifically covered in these chapters shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Michigan electrical code, R 408.30801 to R 408.30880.



    E3306.7. Conductors of the same circuit. All conductors of the same circuit and, where used, the grounded conductor and all equipment grounding conductors shall be contained within the same raceway, cable, trench or cord.


    TABLE E3502.2




    3  volt-amperes  per  square  foot  of  floor  area  for  general  lighting  and  general  use receptacle outlets.


    1,500  volt-amperes  total  number  of  20-ampere-rated  small  appliance  and  laundry circuits.


    The nameplate volt-ampere rating of all fastened-in-place, permanently connected or dedicated circuit-supplied motors and appliances such as ranges, ovens, cooking units, clothes dryers, and water


    Apply the following demand factors to the above subtotal:

    The minimum subtotal for the loads above shall be 100% of the first 10,000 volt- amperes of the sum of the above loads plus 40% of any portion of the sum that is in excess of 10,000 volt-amperes.

    Plus the largest of the following:

    Nameplate rating(s) of the air-conditioning and cooling equipment.

    Nameplate rating(s) of the heating where a heat pump is used without any supplemental electric heating.

    Nameplate rating of the electric thermal storage and other heating systems where the usual load is expected to be continuous at the full nameplate value. Systems qualifying under this selection shall not be figured under any other category in this table.

    One hundred percent of nameplate rating of the heat pump compressor and 65 percent of the supplemental electric heating load for central electric space-heating systems. If the heat pump compressor is prevented from operating at the same time as the supplementary heat, the compressor load does not need to be added to the supplementary heat load for the total central electric space-heating load.

    Sixty-five percent of nameplate rating(s) of electric space-heating units if less than 4 separately controlled units.

    Forty  percent  of  nameplate  rating(s)  of  electric  space-heating  units  of  4  or  more separately controlled units.

    The minimum total load in amperes shall be the volt-ampere sum calculated above divided by 240 volts.


    E3808.8.1. Grounding of flexible metal conduit. Flexible metal conduit shall not be permitted as an equipment grounding conductor. E3808.8.2. Grounding of liquid-tight flexible metal conduit. Liquid- tight flexible metal conduit shall not be permitted as an equipment grounding conductor.


    R 408.30539  Solvent cementing.

    Rule 539.  Section P3003.14.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:



    P3003.14.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. A primer that conforms to ASTM F 656, as listed in chapter 43, shall be applied. Solvent cement not purple in color and conforming to ASTM D 2564, CSA B137.3 or CSA B181.2, as listed in chapter 43, shall be applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while the cement is wet, and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2855, as listed in chapter 43.  Solvent-cement joints shall be permitted above or below ground.


    R 408.30540  Elevators and platform lifts.

    Rule 540.  Sections R323.1 and R323.2  of the code are amended to read as follows:

    R323.1. Elevators. Where provided, passenger elevators, limited-use/limited-application elevators or private residence elevators shall comply with the Michigan elevator rules R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.

    R323.2. Platform lifts. Where provided, platform lifts shall comply with the Michigan elevator rules R 408.7001 to R 408.8695.


    R 408.30543  Boiler low-water cutoff.

    Rule 543.  Section M2002.5 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    M2002.5. Boiler low-water cutoff. All steam and hot water boilers shall be protected with a low-water cutoff control. The low-water control shall automatically stop the combustion operation of the appliance when the water level drops below the lowest safe water level as established by the manufacturer. The low-water cut off on all low-pressure boilers shall be installed in accordance with the Michigan boiler rules, R 408.4001 to R 408.5507.

    A low-water cutoff shall be of the float or probe type or paddle-type non-reversing flow switch.


    R 408.30544 Light, ventilation and heating.

    Rule 544.  Section R303.4.2 of the code is amended to read as follows:

    R303.4.2. Exhaust openings. Outside exhaust openings shall be located as not to create a nuisance. Exhaust openings shall not be directed onto walkways. Exhaust openings shall not terminate within 2 feet of a ventilated section in a soffit.


    R 408.30545  Exterior covering.

    Rule 545. Sections R703.7.3, R703.7.4.1, 703.7.5 and R703.7.6 and figures R703.7, R703.7.2.1, and R703.7.2.2, of the code are amended to read as follows:

    R703.7.3. Lintels. Masonry veneer shall not support any vertical load other than the dead load of the veneer above. Veneer above openings shall be supported on lintels of noncombustible materials and the allowable span shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R703.7.3 of the code. The lintels shall have a length of bearing not less than 4 inches (102 mm).  Steel lintels shall be corrosion-resistant.

    R703.7.4.1. Size, spacing, and corrosion protection. Veneer ties, if strand wire, shall not be less in thickness than no. 9 U.S. gauge [(0.148 in.) (4 mm)] wire and shall have a hook embedded in the mortar joint, or if sheet metal, shall be not less than no. 22 U.S. gauge [(0.0299 in.) (0.76 mm)] by 7/8 inch (22 mm) corrugated. Each tie shall be spaced not more than 24 inches (610 mm) on center horizontally and vertically and shall support not more than 2.67 square feet (0.25 m2) of wall area. Corrosion protection shall be provided for all veneer ties as required by section R606.15.1 of the code.

    703.7.5. Flashing. Approved flashing shall be installed beneath the first course of masonry above finished ground level above the foundation wall or slab and at other points of support, including structural floors, shelf angles and lintels when masonry veneers are designed in accordance with section R703.7 of the code.  See section R703.8 of the code for additional requirements.

    R703.7.6. Weepholes. Weepholes shall be provided in the outside wythe of masonry walls at a maximum spacing of 33 inches (838 mm) on center. Weepholes shall not be less than 3/16 inch (5 mm) in diameter.  Weepholes shall be located immediately above and directly on the flashing.



    R 408.30546 Smoke alarm locations.

    Rule 546.  Sections R313.4 and R313.-5 of the code are amended to read as follows:

    R313.4. Smoke alarm locations in existing buildings constructed before November 6, 1974. Within each dwelling unit or sleeping unit, a single-station smoke alarm shall be installed in the following locations:

    1.    In each sleeping room or each area directly outside the sleeping room.

    2.    On each floor level including the basement level.

    For sleeping units with split levels and without an intervening door between the adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level is less than 1 full story below the upper level.

    R313.5. Equipment requirements. The required equipment for smoke alarms shall consist of the following:

    1.           Installation. Smoke alarm devices shall be listed and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation requirements, the provisions of the code and the provisions of NFPA 72 as listed in chapter 43.

    2.    Power Source.  The equipment shall be operable by power from 1 of the following primary sources.

    a.     The building wiring provided that such wiring is served from a commercial source and is equipped with a battery backup. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than as required for overcurrent protection.

    b.     A non-rechargeable battery that is capable of operating the smoke alarm in the normal condition for a life of 5 years.

    c.     A rechargeable battery, with proper charging, able to power the alarm for a life of 5 years and shall be automatically recharged by an AC circuit of the commercial light and power source.



    d.      A household use alarm system with battery backup listed and approved in accordance with the household fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72, as referenced in Section R313.4 of the code.

    3.    Audible Alarm Notification. The activation of the alarm signal shall produce a sound that is audible in all occupiable dwelling areas.

    4.        Testing and Maintenance. The owner of a dwelling unit, in which required or optional fire detection or fire protection systems equipment is installed, shall be responsible for the proper operation, testing, and maintenance of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions included with the equipment. The occupant of rental dwelling units shall be responsible for the periodic operational testing and periodic cleaning of the installed equipment within the rental unit in accordance with the testing instructions provided in the manufacturer’s instructions for the equipment. If the system fails, breaks, or is out of service, it shall be repaired and functional within 30 days.

    Exception: Smoke alarms and devices installed in buildings constructed before November 6, 1974 where an installation was approved by the appropriate enforcing agency under regulations in effect at the time of the installation shall be considered to comply with the provisions of the code.


    R 408.30547.   Barrier requirements.

    Rule 547.  Section AG105.5 of the code is amended to read as follows.

    Section AG105.5. Barrier exceptions. Spas or hot tubs with a safety cover which complies with ASTM F 1346, as listed in section AG107 of the code, shall be exempt from the provisions of sections AG105.2, AG105.3, and AG105.4 of the code.