





    Filed with th e Secretar y of Stat e on April 18, 2001 .

    These ru les tak e effect J uly 31, 2001


    (By auth ority conferr ed on th e director of th e dep artm ent of con sum er an d industr y services by section 4 of 1972  PA  230 ,  an d  Execut ive  Reorgan izat ion  Order  No.  1996 -2,  MCL 125 .1504 an d 445 .2001 )


    R  408 .30701 ,  R  408 .30711 ,  R  408 .30714 ,  R  408 .30715 ,  R  408 .30716 ,  R  408 .30717 , R

    408 .30718 ,  R  408 .30719 ,  R  408 .30720 ,  R  408 .30728 ,  R  408 .30735 ,  R  408 .30740 a,  R

    408 .30741 c,  R  408 .30744e ,  R  408 .30749 ,  R  408 .30754b ,  R  408 .30757 ,  R  408 .30758 , R

    408 .30785 , R 408 .30786 ,  an d  R  408 .30791  of  th e  Michigan  Administrat ive  Code  ar e am ended, an d R 408 .30712 , R 408 .30713 , R 408 .30740 c, R 408 .30754 c, R 408 .30759 a, R 408 .30759b , R 408 .30760 , R 408 .30761 c, R 408 .30793 , R 408 .30795 , R 408 .30795 a, an d R

    408 .30796 of th e Code ar e rescinded as follows:






    R 408 .30701   App li ca bl e code .

    Rule 701 . Rules govern ing th e insta llat ion, repl acement, alterat ion, relocat ion, an d use of plum bing systems or plum bing mat erials sha ll be those conta ined in th e int ernat iona l plum bing code, 2000 edi tion, including appe ndices B, C, D, F, an d G, excep t for sections 103 .2, 103 .5, 104 .2, 106 .6.1, 106 .6.2, 106 .6.3, 107 .1.2, 107 .1.2.1, 107 .1.2.2, 107 .1.2.3, 109 .2 to

    109 .7,  602 .3  to  602 .3.5.1,  608 .17  to  608 .17.8,  708 .3.2,  708 .3.6,  an d  1106 .6.    With  th e

    excep tions noted, th e  code  is  adopted  in  th ese  ru les  by  reference. All  references  to  th e Int ernat iona l Building Code, Int ernat iona l Reside nt ial Code, Int ernat iona l En ergy Conservat ion Code, Int ernat iona l  Electr ical  Code,  Int ernat iona l  Mechan ical  Code,  an d Int ernat iona l Plum bing Code mean th e Michigan Building Code,  Michigan  Reside nt ial Code, Michigan Un iform En ergy Code, Michigan Electr ical  Code,  Michigan  Mechan ical Code, an d Michigan Plum bing Code respe ctively. The code is available for inspection at th e Okemos office of th e Michigan dep artm ent of con sum er an d industr y services, bur eau of constru ction  codes  The  code  ma y  be  purcha sed  from  th e  Building  Officials  an d  Code


    Administrat ors Int ernat iona l, In cor porat ed, 4051 Flossm oor Road, Countr y Club Hills, Illinois 60478 , or from th e  Michigan  Dep artm ent  of  Consum er  an d  Industr y  Services, Bur eau of Constru ct ion Codes , 2501 Woodlak e Circle, Okemos, Michigan 48864 , at a cost as of th e t ime of adoption of th ese ru les of $40 .00 each.


    R 408 .30711   Titl e and  scope .

    Rule 711 .  Sections 101 .1 an d 101 .2 of th e code ar e am ended to read as follows :

    101.1.        .  Title.  This part  sha ll be kn own as th e Michigan plum bing code an d is hereina fter referr ed to as  "th e  plum bing  code"  or  "th e  code."  This  part  sha ll  contr ol  all  matt ers con cern ing th e insta llat ion, replacement ,  alterat ion,  relocat ion,  an d  use  of  plum bing systems or plum bing mat erials as herein defined an d sha ll apply to existing or  proposed buildings an d stru ctur es in th e stat e.

    101.2.          Scope  The des ign  an insta llat ion  of plum bing systems, including san itar y  an d storm  dra ina ge, san itar y facilities, medical gas systems, wat er  supplies, storm  wat er  an d sewage disposal in buildings, sha ll com ply with  th e requirement s of th e code .  The  des ign an d insta llat ion of gas piping, chilled wat er piping in conn ection with refrigerat ion  pr ocess an d com fort coolin g, an d hot wat er piping in conn ection with building heat ing systems sha ll con form to th e requirement s of th e Michigan mechan ical code .  The des ign an d insta llat ion of all fire sprink ler systems an d stan dpipe systems sha ll con form to th e requirement s of th e Michigan  building code.  Wat er  an d  dra ina ge conn ections  to such  insta llat ions  sha ll be ma de in a ccor dan ce with th e requirement s of th e code .

    Exception:   Plum bing facilities with in 1- an d 2-fam ily dwellings sha ll be con stru cted an d ma inta ined in a ccor dan ce with th e Michigan reside nt ial code for 1- an d 2-fam ily dwellings.


    R 408 .30712    Resc inded . R 408 .30713         Resc inded .

    R 408 .30714   P lum bi ng official ; qua lifi cations .

    Rule 714 .  Section 103 .1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    103 .1.   Genera l.    The position  of plum bing inspector  is creat ed.  The plum bing inspector sha ll be appoint ed in accordan ce with 1986 PA 54, MCL 338 .2301 et seq.


    R 408 .30715   Pe rmits .

    Rule 715 .  Section 106 .4 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    106 .4.     By  whom  applicat ion  is  ma de.    Applicat ion  for  a  perm it  sha ll  be  ma de  by  an auth orized ma ster plum ber licensed in accordan ce with 1929 PA 266 , MCL 338 .901 et seq. Exceptions:

    1.   Wat er service perm it s.

    2.   Building sewe r an d privat e sewe r perm it s.


    R 408 .30716   Fees .

    Rule 716 .  Section 106 .6 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    106 .6.    Fees .    The fees  prescribed by section  22 of th e act  sha ll be paid to th e en for cing agency of th e jur isdiction befor e perm it  to begin work  for  new con stru ct ion, alterat ion,


    removal, demolition, or oth er building operat ion ma y be issued. In addition, an am endment to a perm it necessi tat ing an additiona l fee sha ll not be approved unt il th e additiona l fee is paid.


    R 408 .30717   Rig h t of en try .

    Rule 717 .  Section 104 .5 of th e code is am ended to read as follows:  104 .5.  Right of entr y. In th e dischar ge of dut ies, th e plum bing officia l or an auth orized represe ntat ive ma y ent er an y building, stru ctur e, or premises in th e jur isdiction to en for ce th e provisions of th e act an d th e code un der section 12 of th e act.


    R 408 .30718   Violatio n pena lti es .

    Rule 718 .  Section 108 .4 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    108.4.          Violat ion  pena lt ies.   A person  who violat es  a  provision  of th e code , who fails  to con form  with  an y of th e  requirement s  th ereof, or  who erects, insta lls, alters, or  repairs plum bing work  in  violat ion  of th e  approved  con stru ct ion  docum ent s  or  directive  of th e en for cing agency, or a perm it or cert ificat e issued un der th e provisions of th e code  sha ll be assessed  a fine in a ccor dan ce with section 23 of th e act.


    R 408 .30719   Stop  w ork orde rs.

    Rule 719 .  Section 108 .5 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    108.5.       .  Stop work orders.  Upon notice from th e en for cing agency of work on an y plum bing system that is being done contrar y to th e provisions of th e code or in a dan gerous or un safe mann er, th e work sha ll imm ediat ely cease.  Notice sha ll be in a ccor dan ce with section 12 of th e act. A person who is served with a stop work order, except for work that  th e person is directed  to per form  to remove  a  violat ion  or  un safe  con dition  is  subject  to th e  pena lty provisions prescribed by section 23 of th e act.


    R 408 .30720   Means  of appea l.

    Rule 720 .  Section 109 .1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    109 .1. Mean s of appe al.  A person ha s th e right to appe al a decision of th e en for cing agency to th e boar d of appe als. An applicat ion for appe al sha ll be based on a claim that th e tru e int ent of th e code or th e ru les govern ing con stru ct ion ha ve been in corr ectly int erpreted, th e provisions of th e code do not apply, or an equa l or bett er form of con stru ct ion is proposed. The applicat ion sha ll be filed in a ccor dan ce with section 14 of th e act.


    R 408 .30728   Se w er depth .

    Rule 728 .  Section 305 .6.1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    305 .6.1.  Sewe r dep th .  A building sewe r that  conn ects to a privat e disposal system sha ll be a minimum of 8 inches to th e top of th e pipe below finished gra de at th e point of sep t ic tank conn ection.  Building sewe rs sha ll be insta lled a minimum of 42 inches below gra de.

    Exception:  When perm itt ed by th e code officia l.


    R 408 .30735   Hot  w ate r supp ly re qu ired .

    Rule 735 .  Section 607 .1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :


    607 .1. Where required. In occu pied stru ctur es, hot wat er sha ll be supplied to all plum bing fixtur es an equipment ut ilize d for bath ing, han washing, washing, culinar y pur poses , clean sing, laun dry, or building ma int enan ce.


    1.   In nonr eside nt ial occu pan cies, hot wat er or tempered wat er sha ll be supplied for bath ing an d han d washing pur poses .

    2.      Tempered wat er sha ll be supplied to  bath ing  an d  han d  washing  facilites  in  th e occu pan cies ident ified in subdivisi ons (a) to (h) of th is exception thr ough a  contr ol valve that conform s to ASSE 1016 , th e stan dar d of th e American society of san itar y engineering, which is adopted in th ese ru les by reference. The stan dar ma y be pur cha sed from th e American Society of San itar y En gineering, 901 Cant erbur y Road, Suite A, Westlak e, Ohio 44145 , at a cost as of th e t ime of adoption of th ese ru les of $40 .00 each, or from th e Michigan Dep artm ent of Consum er an d Industr y Services, Bur eau of Constru ct ion Codes , 2501 Woodlak e Circle, Okemos, Michigan 48864 , at a cost as of th e t ime of adoption of th ese ru les of $40 .00 each, plus ma iling cost s. This stan dar d ma y be inspected at th e Okemos office of th e Michigan dep artm ent of con sum er an d industr y services.

    (a)     Elementar y sch ools.

    (b)     Child car e cent ers.

    (c)    Day car e cent ers.

    (d)     Nurs eries.

    (e)     Adult group homes.

    (f)    Adult con gregat e homes. (g) Childrens cam ps.

    (h )  At a ccessible plum bing fixtur es.


    R 408 .30740 a  Drainage  piping  in food  sto rage  areas .

    Rule 740 a.  Section 701 .9 is added to th e code to read as follows :

    701 .9.  Dra ina ge pipe prohibited.  Exposed soil or waste piping sha ll not be perm itt ed above an y work ing, stora ge, or eat ing sur faces in food service esta blishm ent s.


    R 408 .30740 c  Resc inded .


    R 408 .30741 c  Beve rage  dispense  rs.

    Rule 741 c.  Sections 608 .16.1 an d 608 .16.4 of th e code ar e am ended to read as follows :  608 .16.1.            Bevera ge  dispe nsers.    The  wat er  supply  conn ection  to  car bonat ed  bevera ge dispe nsers sha ll be protected against backflow by a backflow prevent er con form ing to ASSE 1022  or  by  an  a ir  gap.              The  backflow  prevent er  device  an d  th e  piping  downstr eam th erefrom  sha ll not  be  a ffect ed  by car bon  dioxide  gas.         The ASSE  1022  stan dar d of th e American societ y of san itar y engineering, which is adopted in th ese ru les by reference, ma y be pur cha sed from th e American Society of San itar y En gineering, 901 Cant erbur  Road, Suite A, Westlak e, Ohio 44145 , at a cost as of th e t ime of adoption of th ese ru les of $40 .00 each, or  from  th e Michigan  Dep artm ent  of Consum er  an d  Industr y Services, Bur eau  of Constru ct ion Codes , 2501  Woodlak e Circle, Okemos, Michigan  48864 , at  a  cost  as  of th e t ime of adoption of th ese  ru les of $40 .00 each, plus ma iling cost s.   This stan dar d ma y be


    inspected at th e Okemos office of th e Michigan dep artm ent of con sum er an d industr y services.

    608 .16.4. Conn ections to aut omat ic fire sprink ler  systems  an d  stan dpipe  systems.  The pota ble wat er supply to aut omat ic fire sprink ler systems an d stan dpipe systems sha ll be protected against backflow by a double check-valve asse mbly or a reduced press ur e principle backflow prevent er.

    Exception: Isolat ion of th e wat er distr ibut ion system is not required for deluge, preaction, or dry pipe systems.


    R 408 .30744 e   Main  vent  re quired .

    Rule 744e .  Section 903 .1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    903 .1. Sta ck required. Every building in which plum bing is insta lled sha ll ha ve at least 1 ma in sta ck which is not less than 3 inches in diam eter an d which sha ll run un diminished in size from th e building dra in thr ough to th e open air.


    R 408 .30749   Ind ivid ua l venting   re qu ired .

    Rule 749 .  Section 906 .4 is added to th e code to read as follows :

    906 .4.  Individua l vent ing required.  If fixtur es oth er than  wat er closets dischar ge int o only a 3-inch horizonta l bran ch downstr eam from a wat er closet, th en each fixtur e conn ecting less than  54 inches downstr eam from th e wat er closet flan ge sha ll be individua lly vent ed.


    R 408 .30754b   Ext ens io ns outside   a st ruc ture.

    Rule 754b .  Section 904 .7 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    904 .7. Extensions out side a stru ctur e. Vent pipes insta lled on th e exterior of th e stru ctur e sha ll be protected against freezing by insulat ion or heat , or both .

    R 408 .30754 c  Res cinded .


    R 408 .30757   Horizo n tal  drains  w it h in bu ildi ngs  and  bu ildi ng se w e rs.

    Rule 757 .  Section 708 .3.1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    708 .3.1. Horizonta l dra ins with in buildings  an building sewe rs.  All horizonta l dra ins with in buildings an d building sewe rs sha ll be provided with clean out s locat ed not  more than  100 feet apart .

    For un dergroun d piping that is more than 10 inches in diam eter,  manh oles  sha ll  be provided an d locat ed at every ma jor chan ge of direction, gra de, elevat ion, or size of pipe or at int ervals of not more than 400 feet. Meta l cover s sha ll be provided for th e manh oles an d sha ll be of su fficient weight to meet loca l tra ffic an d loading con ditions.

    With in buildings, manh ole covers sha ll be gastight an d th e manh ole sha ll be vent ed with not less than  a 4-inch pipe.


    R 408 .30758   Minimum  num ber of fixt ures .

    Rule 758 .Section 403 .1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    403 .1. Minimum num ber of fixtur es. Plum bing fixtur es sha ll be provided for th e type of occu pan cy an d in th e minimum num ber shown in Table 403 .1. Types of occu pan cies not shown in Table 403 .1 sha ll be con sidered individua lly by th e code officia l.  The num ber of


    occu pant s sha ll be determ ined in a ccor dan ce with th e Michigan building code .  Occu pan cy classificat ion sha ll be determ ined in a ccor dan ce with th e Michigan building code .


    1.   The actua l num ber of occu pant s determ ined by a support ing a ffida vit from th e owner or agency.

    2.   Han d washing sink s in food service esta blishm ent s sha ll be provided in a ccor dan ce with th e requirement s of th e Michigan dep artm ent of agricultur e.

    3.     Toilet  facilities  for  public swimm ing  pools  sha ll be  provided  in  a ccor dan ce  with  th e requirement s of th e Michigan dep artm ent of environm enta l qua lit y.

    4.   Toilet facilities for child car e cent er, day car e cent er an d nur sery sch ool facilities sha ll be provided in a ccor dan ce with th e requirement s of th e Michigan dep artm ent of con sum er an d industr y services.

    5.        Toilet  facilities  for  childrens  cam ps  sha ll  be  provided  in  a ccor dan ce  with         th e requirement s of th e Michigan dep artm ent of con sum er an d industr y services.


    R 408 .30759 a  Resc inded . R 408 .30759b         Resc inded . R 408 .30760         Resc inded . R 408 .30761 c  Resc inded .

    R 408 .30785    Discha rge .

    Rule 785 .  Section 504 .6.1 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    504 .6.1.     Dischar ge.      Relie f valve  dischar ge  pipe  sha ll be  rigid  pipe  approved  for  wat er distr ibut ion with a rat ing of 210 degrees Fahr enh eit .

    The dischar ge piping sha ll be th e sam e diam eter as th e relief valve out let an d sha ll dra in by gra vity flow. Valves sha ll not be conn ected in th e relief valve dischar ge pipe. Relie f valves sha ll not dischar ge so as to be a ha zar d, a potent ia l cau se of dama ge, or a nu isan ce. Dischar ge pipe from relief valves sha ll term inat e atm ospherically not more than 4 inches from th e floor with an unthr eaded end.


    R 408 .30786     Subsoi l pump  piping .

    Rule 786 .  Section 1113 .1.4 of th e code is am ended to read as follows :

    1113 .1.4.  Piping.  Dischar ge piping sha ll meet th e requirement s of section 1102 .2, section 1102 .3, or section 1102 .4 of th e code an d sha ll include a gat e valve an d a full-flow check valve.  Pipe an d fitt ings sha ll be th e sam e size as, or lar ger than , pum p dischar ge ta pping. Exception:  When th e piping dischar ges atm ospherically above gra de only a check valve is required, locat ed on th e dischar ge piping from th e pum p or ejector.


    R 408 .30791    De finitio ns .

    Rule 791 .  Section 202 of th e code is am ended to add th e followin g definitions:

    Auth orized ma ster plum ber mean s a person who is licensed in a ccor dan ce with  1929  PA 266 , MCL  338 .901 et seq.


    Code officia l mean s th e person appoint ed an d employed by a governm enta l subdivisi on char ged with th e administrat ion an d en for cement of th e stat e code or codes an d registered in accordan ce with th e requirement s of 1986 PA 54, MCL 338 .2301 et seq.


    R 408 .30793    Resc inded . R 408 .30795         Resc inded . R 408 .30795 a  Resc inded . R 408 .30796         Resc inded .




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