


    Bu reau  of State  Lotte ry Notice  of Pu bli c Hea ri ng (ORR#2001 -020T Y)

    The Michigan  Bur eau  of Stat e Lott ery will conduct  a  public hear ing  at  th e following  time  an d

    place to allow comm ent by int eres ted pe rsons on  proposed  chan ges  to  th e  ru les  for  th e Michigan  Lott ery.


    The proposed am endment s will chan ge ru les relat ing to lott ery reta ile r fees an d th e payment of prizes. Copies of th e proposed ru les ma y be obta ined from th e Bur eau of Stat e Lott ery Execut ive Division, 101 E. Hillsd ale, P.O. Box 30023 , Lan sing, MI  48909 .


    The public hear ing in th is matt er is sched uled for: Dat e:              Fr iday, J un e 22, 2001

    Time:           9:30 a. m.


    Locat ion:      Conference Room A

    Bur eau of Stat e Lott ery 101 Ea st Hillsd ale

    Lan sing, Michigan


    All int eres ted persons ar e invited to tes tify at th e public hear ing an d to prese nt stat ement s, view s, ques tions an d suggestions concern ing th e proposed ru les. The public hear ing will cont inu e unt il all part ies prese nt ha ve ha d a reasona ble opportun ity to prese nt stat ement s.


    In addition, int eres ted part ies ma y submit  writt en  comm ent s  to  th e  Bur eau  of  Stat e Lott ery, 101 Ea st Hillsd ale, P.O. Box 30023 , Lan sing, MI 48909 , no lat er than J un e 15, 2001 . The Bur eau of Stat e Lott ery asks that  writt en comm ent s refer to specific provisions of th e  proposed  ru les.  Writt en  comm ent s  or  ques tions  ma y  also  be  directed  to hoffmanm @stat e.mi.us.


    Persons needi ng accomm odat ions for effective part icipat ion in th e meeting should conta ct Mark Hoffman , Bur eau of Stat e Lott ery, Execut ive Division, at 517-335-5608 (voice) or 517- 335-5645 (TTY) at least one wee k in advance.




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