Section 408.10601. Scope.
Section 408.10602. Applicability.
Section 408.10603. Definitions; B to F.
Section 408.10604. Definitions; H to M.
Section 408.10605. Definitions; N to S.
Section 408.10606. Adoption of standards by reference; access to other MIOSHA rules.
Section 408.10607. Rescinded.
Section 408.10608. Notification of emergency escape procedures and routes; designation of evacuation assistants.
Section 408.10610. Rescinded.
Section 408.10611. Design of buildings and structures.
Section 408.10612. Occupancy of new buildings.
Section 408.10613. Occupancy and use during repairs and alterations.
Section 408.10614. Operating condition of protective equipment.
Section 408.10615. Rescinded.
Section 408.10616. Rescinded.
Section 408.10617. Rescinded.
Section 408.10621. Classes of occupancy.
Section 408.10622. Multiple and partial occupancies.
Section 408.10623. Employee emergency action plans.
Section 408.10624. Fire prevention plans.
Section 408.10625. Rescinded.
Section 408.10626. Rescinded.
Section 408.10627. Compliance with alternate exit-route codes.
Section 408.10631. Construction, maintenance, and changes.
Section 408.10632. Obstructions.
Section 408.10633. Permissible exits and exit components.
Section 408.10634. Number of exits.
Section 408.10635. Travel distance to exits.
Section 408.10636. Maximum travel distance to exits.
Section 408.10637. Rescinded.
Section 408.10638. Rescinded.
Section 408.10639. Capacity as affected by population.
Section 408.10641. Exit access and discharge.
Section 408.10643. Doors; general provisions.
Section 408.10644. Door swing.
Section 408.10645. Locks, fastening devices, and closing mechanism.
Section 408.10646. Power operated doors.
Section 408.10647. Revolving doors.
Section 408.10651. Stairs.
Section 408.10661. Horizontal exits.
Section 408.10664. Ramps.
Section 408.10667. Escalators.
Section 408.10671. Fire escape stairs.
Section 408.10672. Stair construction and load.
Section 408.10673. Exposure to fire escape stairs.
Section 408.10674. Access to fire escape stairs.
Section 408.10675. Swinging stairs.
Section 408.10677. Ladders.
Section 408.10679. RESCINDED.
Section 408.10680. Lighting.
Section 408.10681. Artificial lighting.
Section 408.10682. Emergency illumination.
Section 408.10685. Signs.
Section 408.10686. Sign illumination and letter size.
Section 408.10691. Vehicles.
Section 408.10692. Vessels.
Section 408.10693. Open buildings.
Section 408.10694. Aircraft hangars.
Section 408.10695. Storage elevators for combustible commodities.
Section 408.10696. Towers.
Section 408.10697. Piers and water-surrounded buildings.