Michigan Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 16, 2016) |
Department EQ. Environmental Quality |
Air Quality Division |
Chapter Part 8. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions-Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) |
Section 336.1801. Emission of oxides of nitrogen from non-sip call stationary sources. |
Section 336.1802. Applicability under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1802a. Adoption by reference. |
Section 336.1803. Definitions. |
Section 336.1804. Retired unit exemption from oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1805. Standard requirements of oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1806. Computation of time under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1807. Authorized account representative under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1808. Permit requirements under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1809. Compliance certification under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1810. Allowance allocations under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1811. New source set-aside under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1812. Allowance tracking system and transfers under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1813. Monitoring and reporting requirements under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1814. Individual opt-ins under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1815. Allowance banking under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1816. Compliance supplement pool under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. |
Section 336.1817. Emission limitations and restrictions for Portland cement kilns. |
Section 336.1818. Emission limitations for stationary internal combustion engines. |
Section 336.1821. CAIR NOX ozone season and annual trading programs; applicability determinations. |
Section 336.1822. CAIR NOX ozone season trading program; allowance allocations. |
Section 336.1823. New EGUs, new non-EGUs, and newly-affected EGUs under CAIR NOX ozone season trading program; allowance allocations. |
Section 336.1824. CAIR NOx ozone season trading program; hardship set-aside. |
Section 336.1825. CAIR NOx ozone season trading program; renewable set-aside. |
Section 336.1826. CAIR NOx ozone season trading program; opt-in provisions. |
Section 336.1830. CAIR NOX annual trading program; allowance allocations. |
Section 336.1831. New EGUs under CAIR NOX annual trading program; allowance allocations. |
Section 336.1832. CAIR NOX annual trading program; hardship set-aside. |
Section 336.1833. CAIR NOX annual trading program; compliance supplement pool. |
Section 336.1834. Opt-in provisions under the CAIR NOx annual trading program. |