Section 28.1101. Rule 101. Police department; traffic duties.
Section 28.1102. Rule 102. Authority of police directing traffic.
Section 28.1103. Rule 103. Authority of firemen directing traffic.
Section 28.1104. Rescinded.
Section 28.1105. Rule 105. Impounding of vehicles; authority; procedure; public sale.
Section 28.1105a. Rescinded.
Section 28.1106. Rescinded.
Section 28.1107. Rescinded.
Section 28.1108. Rescinded.
Section 28.1109. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110a. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110b. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110c. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110d. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110e. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110f. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110g. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110h. Rescinded.
Section 28.1110i. Rescinded.
Section 28.1111. Rescinded.
Section 28.1112. Rescinded.
Section 28.1113. Rescinded.
Section 28.1114. Rescinded.
Section 28.1115. Rescinded.
Section 28.1116. Rescinded.
Section 28.1117. Rescinded.
Section 28.1117a. Rescinded.
Section 28.1117b. Rescinded.
Section 28.1117c. Rescinded.
Section 28.1117d. Rescinded.
Section 28.1118. Rule 118. Records of traffic violations; warrants.
Section 28.1119. Rescinded.
Section 28.1120. Rescinded.
Section 28.1121. Rescinded.
Section 28.1122. Rule 122. Traffic accident studies.
Section 28.1123. Rule 123. Drivers' files.
Section 28.1124. Rule 124. Annual traffic safety report.
Section 28.1125. Rule 125. Traffic engineer.
Section 28.1126. Rule 126. Duties of traffic engineer.
Section 28.1127. Rule 127. Emergency regulations.
Section 28.1128. Rule 128. Testing traffic-control devices.
Section 28.1129. Rescinded.
Section 28.1130. Rescinded.
Section 28.1130a. Rescinded.
Section 28.1131. Rescinded.
Section 28.1132. Rescinded.
Section 28.1133. Rescinded.
Section 28.1134. Rescinded.
Section 28.1135. Rescinded.
Section 28.1136. Rescinded.
Section 28.1136a. Rescinded.
Section 28.1136b. Rule 136b. Traffic-control devices on private property; violation as civil infraction.
Section 28.1137. Rule 137. Curb loading zones.
Section 28.1138. Rule 138. Permits for curb loading zones.
Section 28.1139. Rule 139. Public carrier stands.
Section 28.1140. Rule 140. Permit for loading or unloading at an angle to the curb.
Section 28.1141. Rule 141. Parking meter zones.
Section 28.1142. Rule 142. Angle parking zones.
Section 28.1143. Rescinded.
Section 28.1144. Rule 144. Speed restrictions.
Section 28.1145. Rescinded.
Section 28.1146. Rescinded.
Section 28.1147. Rule 147. Authority to sign 1-way streets and alleys.
Section 28.1148. Rule 148. Authority to restrict direction of movement on streets during certain periods.
Section 28.1149. Rescinded.
Section 28.1150. Rescinded.
Section 28.1151. Rule 151. Prohibiting certain traffic.
Section 28.1152. Rescinded.
Section 28.1153. Rule 153. Traffic-control orders.
Section 28.1154. Rule 154. Clerk.
Section 28.1155. Rule 155. Clerk to issue permit for loading or unloading at an angle to the curb.
Section 28.1156. Rule 156. Clerk to issue permit for curb loading zones.
Section 28.1157. Rule 157. Clerks to provide traffic citation forms.
Section 28.1158. Rule 158. Issuance and record of traffic citation books.