Michigan Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 16, 2016) |
Department AC. Agriculture and Rural Development |
Pesticide and Plant Pesticide Management Division |
Chapter Regulation No. 623. Field Seed Certification |
Section 285.623.201. Applications for field crop inspection and certification. |
Section 285.623.202. Isolation. |
Section 285.623.203. Field beans; field and seed standards. |
Section 285.623.204. Soybeans; field and seed standards. |
Section 285.623.205. Small grains and buckwheat; field and seed standards. |
Section 285.623.206. Red clover and alfalfa; field and seed standards. |
Section 285.623.207. Birdsfoot trefoil. |
Section 285.623.208. Crownvetch. |
Section 285.623.209. Perennial cross-pollinated grasses (timothy, reed canarygrass, and orchardgrass). |
Section 285.623.210. Rape. |
Section 285.623.211. Lupine. |
Section 285.623.212. Adzuki beans. |
Section 285.623.213. Perennial pea. |
Section 285.623.214. Foundation corn; inbred lines. |
Section 285.623.215. Foundation corn; single cross hybrids. |
Section 285.623.216. Certified single cross, double cross, and 3-way hybrids. |