Section 125.1401. Advertising; prohibited activities.
Section 125.1402. Accounts and records; record of homes bought, sold, or exchanged; content; application for certificate of manufactured home ownership; purchase agreement; retention of additional records; consumer deposit records; accounts and records inspection; bond, cash, or security deposit records.
Section 125.1403. Consumer deposits; providing consumer with executed purchase agreement; recording amount of consumer deposit; refunds; notice to consumer of intent to cancel purchase agreement; accepting deposits and agreements in name of retailer; escrow accounts; alternative to escrow account; notice of refund on purchase agreement.
Section 125.1404. Prohibited business practices.
Section 125.1405. Retail installment sales agreements; retailer-obtained financing or insurance; payment of floor plan lender; pay off of loan.
Section 125.1406. Rescinded.
Section 125.1407. Retailer termination.
Section 125.1408. Warranties and service.
Section 125.1409. Retailer acting as broker; responsibilities.
Section 125.1410. Retailer; place of business.
Section 125.1411. Retailer or agent; prohibited activities.
Section 125.1412. Rescinded.
Section 125.1413. Other transfer" explained.
Section 125.1414. Business practices; retailers acting as brokers; standard of conduct.
Section 125.1415. Retailer; disclosures in purchase and listing agreements.
Section 125.1416. Rescinded.
Section 125.1417. Retailer; supervision and control.
Section 125.1418. Certificate of manufactured home ownership transfer; power of attorney.
Section 125.1419. Certificate of origin; addendum to application for certificate of manufactured home ownership.