Section 408.30401. Applicable code.
Section 408.30401a. Adult foster care facilities and child care organizations.
Section 408.30402. Title.
Section 408.30403. Residential group R-3.
Section 408.30403a. Rescinded.
Section 408.30404. Duties and powers of building official.
Section 408.30405. Professional architectural and engineering services.
Section 408.30406. Rescinded.
Section 408.30407. Rescinded.
Section 408.30408. Fees.
Section 408.30409. Permit.
Section 408.30410. Violations.
Section 408.30411. Stop-work order.
Section 408.30412. Certificate of use and occupancy.
Section 408.30413. Vapor retarders.
Section 408.30414. Board of appeals.
Section 408.30415. Rescinded.
Section 408.30415a. Definitions.
Section 408.30416. Area and height increases.
Section 408.30417. Rescinded.
Section 408.30418. Maximum floor area allowances per occupant.
Section 408.30419. Toilet room requirements.
Section 408.30420. Ventilation.
Section 408.30421. Emergency escape and rescue.
Section 408.30422. Rescinded.
Section 408.30423. Rescinded.
Section 408.30427. Barrier free design for buildings, structures, and improved areas.
Section 408.30427a. Rescinded.
Section 408.30427b. Rescinded.
Section 408.30427c. Rescinded.
Section 408.30427d. Rescinded.
Section 408.30427e. Rescinded.
Section 408.30428. Structural integrity.
Section 408.30429. High-rise buildings.
Section 408.30429a. Compliance.
Section 408.30429b. Elevator lobby.
Section 408.30430. Liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities.
Section 408.30431. Rescinded.
Section 408.30432. Flammable and combustible liquids.
Section 408.30433. Rescinded.
Section 408.30434. Rescinded.
Section 408.30437. Masonry heater clearance.
Section 408.30441. Consumer fireworks facilities.
Section 408.30442. Automatic sprinkler systems.
Section 408.30443. Masonry.
Section 408.30444. Rescinded.
Section 408.30445. Automatic sprinkler systems.
Section 408.30446. Smoke alarm locations.
Section 408.30447. Smokeproof enclosures.
Section 408.30448. Electrical.
Section 408.30448a. Rescinded.
Section 408.30448b. Rescinded.
Section 408.30448c. Rescinded.
Section 408.30448d. Ground snow loads.
Section 408.30449. Frost protection.
Section 408.30449a. Rescinded.
Section 408.30451. Rescinded.
Section 408.30451a. Rescinded.
Section 408.30451b. Rescinded.
Section 408.30451c. Flood loads.
Section 408.30451d. Rescinded.
Section 408.30451e. Rescinded.
Section 408.30452. Flood hazard areas.
Section 408.30453. Plumbing systems.
Section 408.30454. Rescinded.
Section 408.30455. Rescinded.
Section 408.30456. Rescinded.
Section 408.30457. Mechanical systems.
Section 408.30458. Elevators and conveying systems.
Section 408.30459. Elevators.
Section 408.30460. Rescinded.
Section 408.30461. Rescinded.
Section 408.30475. Existing structures.
Section 408.30476. Criteria.
Section 408.30495. Rodent proofing.
Section 408.30495a. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495b. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495c. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495d. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495e. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495f. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495g. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495h. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495i. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495j. Rescinded.
Section 408.30495k. Rescinded.
Section 408.30497. Signs.
Section 408.30499. Adoption of standards by reference; referenced codes.
Section 408.30499a. Rescinded.