Section 408.30500. Applicable code.
Section 408.30501. Title.
Section 408.30501a. Scope.
Section 408.30502. Rescinded.
Section 408.30503. Approved materials and equipment.
Section 408.30504. Duties and powers of building official.
Section 408.30505. Work exempt from permit.
Section 408.30506. Submittal documents.
Section 408.30508. Payment of fees.
Section 408.30509. Frame and masonry inspection.
Section 408.30509a. Approval required.
Section 408.30510. Use and occupancy.
Section 408.30510a. Fire classification.
Section 408.30511. Violation penalties.
Section 408.30512. Notice to owner.
Section 408.30513. Definitions.
Section 408.30514. Means of appeal.
Section 408.30515. Ground snow loads.
Section 408.30516. Design criteria.
Section 408.30517. Rescinded.
Section 408.30517a. Sanitary facilities.
Section 408.30518. Means of egress.
Section 408.30519. Treads and risers.
Section 408.30520. Where required in existing dwellings.
Section 408.30521. Elevation requirements.
Section 408.30521a. Rooftop mounted photovoltaic panel systems.
Section 408.30522. Minimum depth.
Section 408.30522a. Vapor retarders.
Section 408.30522b. Air freezing index.
Section 408.30523. Placement of lag screws or bolts in deck ledgers and band joists.
Section 408.30524. Michigan uniform energy code.
Section 408.30525. Scope.
Section 408.30525a. Simplified wall bracing.
Section 408.30526. Rescinded.
Section 408.30527. Standards.
Section 408.30528. Terms defined in other codes.
Section 408.30528a. CSST.
Section 408.30529. Lining required.
Section 408.30530. Requirements for discharge pipe.
Section 408.30531. Rescinded.
Section 408.30532. Roof extension.
Section 408.30533. Frost closure.
Section 408.30533a. Rough plumbing.
Section 408.30533b. Sewer depth.
Section 408.30534. Venting.
Section 408.30535. Connection.
Section 408.30536. Electrical; general; electrical conductors; connections and electrical grounding.
Section 408.30536a. General requirements.
Section 408.30537. Separate outdoor electric space conditioning equipment.
Section 408.30537a. Wiring methods.
Section 408.30537b. Power and lighting distribution.
Section 408.30537c. Devices and luminaires.
Section 408.30537d. Frames of ranges and clothes dryers.
Section 408.30538. Combustible insulation.
Section 408.30539. Solvent cementing.
Section 408.30539a. Automatic fire sprinkler systems.
Section 408.30540. Elevators and platform lifts.
Section 408.30541a. Duct Installation.
Section 408.30542. Floor register location.
Section 408.30543. Rescinded.
Section 408.30544. Light, ventilation, and heating.
Section 408.30544a. Townhouses.
Section 408.30544b. Exterior walls.
Section 408.30544c. Polyethylene plastic.
Section 408.30545. Masonry veneer wall covering.
Section 408.30545a. Masonry heater clearance.
Section 408.30546. Smoke alarm locations for existing buildings.
Section 408.30547. Rescinded.
Section 408.30547a. Radon Control Methods.
Section 408.30547b. Chimneys.
Section 408.30547c. General.
Section 408.30547d. Building thermal envelope.
Section 408.30547e. Simulated performance alternative.
Section 408.30547f. Systems.
Section 408.30547g. Energy rating index compliance alternative.