Section 257.161. Application for certification.  

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  • (1) Before a person is certified as a master or specialty mechanic, the person shall have taken 1 or more examinations developed or approved by the administrator and received scores, as determined by the administrator, that indicate competency to perform motor vehicle repairs in the category or categories examined.

    (2)    An  applicant  shall  submit  to  the administrator, in     addition    to  such   other information as may be required, all of the following information:

    (a)  The name and home address of the applicant.

    (b)   The repair  category or  categories  for  which   the   applicant   is applying.

    (c)   The number of years the applicant has   worked  as  a   motor  vehicle mechanic for compensation, and the education or training the applicant has had to prepare the applicant for work as a motor vehicle mechanic, specialty mechanic, or master mechanic.

    (d)   The states or jurisdiction in which the applicant is licensed  or certified to work as a motor  vehicle  mechanic,  specialty  mechanic,  or master mechanic.

    (e)    A copy of an irrevocable appointment of the secretary of state as the applicant's agent for service of process.

    (3)   In the year  commencing   January  1,  1998,   and  every  fifth   year thereafter, an applicant for renewal of certification as a mechanic in the area of automobile and light truck engine tune-up/performance shall, before his or her  certification  is renewed,  meet  1  or   more  of  the following requirements:

    (a)  Take and pass a test given by the administrator.

    (b)     Present proof that he or she has  successfully  completed   an acceptable course  of   training  in  automobile  and  light  truck    engine tune-up/performance repairs  provided   by  an  approved  educational institution, motor vehicle manufacturer, or distributor.

    (c)   ) Present a valid, current certification in automobile  and  light  truck

    engine tune-up/performance repairs, or a  comparable     category,     from     the national institute for automotive service excellence (ASE).

    (4)   In the year  commencing  January  1,   1999,  and  every  fifth    year thereafter, an applicant for renewal of certification as a mechanic in the area of automobile and light truck electrical systems shall, before his or her certification is renewed, present proof that he or she meets 1 or more of the requirements prescribed in subrule (3) of this rule.

    (5)   In the year  commencing  January  1,   2000,  and  every  fifth    year thereafter, an applicant for renewal of certification as a mechanic in the area of automobile and light truck brakes and braking  systems  shall, before his or her certification is renewed, present proof that  he  or  she meets 1 or more of the requirements prescribed in  subrule   (3)  of   this rule.

History: 1979 AC; 1996 AACS.