Section 257.307. Adjournments.  

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  • (1) After a hearing has been scheduled,  it   shall  only  be adjourned by order of the administrator or the hearing officer.

    (2)  An adjournment shall be granted for any of the following reasons:

    (a)    The hearing conflicts with a previously scheduled court appearance of an attorney, petitioner, or law enforcement officer.

    (b)   An attorney, petitioner, or law enforcement officer will  be  out   of town or out of the state because of a previously scheduled vacation or business trip that cannot be canceled  or  rescheduled  without   economic loss.

    (c)  The death or serious illness of a family member of  an  attorney, petitioner, or law enforcement officer.

    (d)  The petitioner is incarcerated.

    (e)   An attorney, petitioner, or law enforcement officer is hospitalized.

    (f)  Other good cause to be determined by the   administrator   or  hearing officer.

    (3)   A request for an adjournment shall be in writing and shall state the reason for the request.

    (4)   The administrator or hearing officer may require the party who requests an adjournment to submit documentary evidence that substantiates the reason for the request.

    (5)    The party who requests an adjournment shall file the request with the division office in Lansing, unless otherwise indicated in  the  notice of hearing.

    (6)    A request for adjournment shall be received not less than 2 business days before a hearing. If a request is received within 2 business days before a hearing, the request may be summarily denied. The hearing officer or administrator may grant an adjournment at any time, including   the   day of the hearing.

    (7)    A  party shall  not  consider  a  hearing   adjourned  until    the administrator or the hearing officer notifies the party that  the  hearing is adjourned.

History: 1992 AACS.