Section 281.1110. Regulatory markers.  

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  • Rule 10.  (1)  Each  regulatory  marker shall be  colored  white   with international orange geometric shapes.

    (2)   When a buoy is used as a regulatory marker, it shall be white with horizontal bands of international orange completely around the buoy circumference. One band shall be at the top of the  buoy  body,   with  a second band placed just above the water line of the buoy so that both international orange bands are clearly visible to approaching vessels. The area of buoy body visible between the 2 bands shall be white.

    (3)   Geometric shapes shall be placed on the white portion of the buoy body and shall be colored international orange. The authorized geometric shapes and meanings associated with them are as follows:

    (a)   A vertical open faced diamond shape to mean danger.

    (b)   A vertical open faced diamond shape having a cross centered in the diamond to mean that a vessel is excluded from the marked area.

    (c)    A circular shape to mean that a vessel operated in the marked area is subject to certain operating restrictions.

    (d)  A square or rectangular shape with directions or  information lettered on the inside.

    (4)     Where a regulatory marker consists of a square or rectangular shaped sign displayed from the shore or a structure, the sign shall be white, with an international orange border. When a diamond or circular geometric shape associated with meaning of the marker is included, it shall be

    centered on the signboard.

History: 1979 AC.