Section 285.151.25. Primary enclosures.  

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  • (1) A primary enclosure shall  be  structurally  sound   and maintained in good repair to protect the dogs and cats from injury, to contain them, to keep predators out and enable dogs and cats  to  remain  dry and clean.

    (2)   A primary enclosure shall provide sufficient space to allow each dog and cat to turn about freely and to easily stand, sit and lie in  a comfortable normal position. Where the primary enclosure is used for more than 1 animal, a resting perch for each cat shall be provided.

    (3)  A primary enclosure shall be constructed and maintained so that dogs and cats kept therein have convenient access to clean food and water.

    (4)   The floors of a primary enclosure shall be constructed  so   as  to protect the feet and legs of the dogs and cats from injury.

    (5)   Adequate litter shall be provided for cats.

    (6)    The number of dogs or cats in a primary enclosure shall not exceed a number which would prevent proper ventilation and sanitation.

    (7)   Female animals in estrus shall not be housed in the same primary enclosure as male animals.

History: 1979 AC.