Section 285.600.1. Protection of cherry industry; control of cherry fruit flies and other cherry pests.

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  • Rule 1. (1) The owner or person having charge of cherry trees or cherry orchards shall immediately following the emergence of the cherry fly  in the locality in which his trees or orchards are located, cause the same to be sprayed according to the recommendations set forth in the most  recent issue

    of the Michigan State   College   spraying   calendar    being   extension bulletin no. 154 revised.

    (2)   When cherry trees are found to be infested with cherry fruit flies the property owner or his authorized agent must without  delay  proceed    to control the infestation by 1 of the following methods:

    (a)  Pick the fruit from the infested trees and completely destroy same by burning in the presence of an authorized employee of the department.

    (b)   Pick the fruit and bury same 2 feet below the surface of the ground after covering with quick lime in the presence of an  authorized employee of this department.

    (c)   Thoroughly spray infested trees with a solution of 2 pounds of 15% parathion under the supervision of an authorized employee  of  this department.   Canning factories or any  person  or  persons  into  whose possession infested cherries may come, are charged with and will be held responsible for the disposition of cherries containing   cherry  fruit   fly maggots in the manner and form as above described.

    (3)   It is declared to be illegal for any person or persons operating any car, vessel, boat, truck, automobile, aircraft, wagon or other vehicle, to transport from 1 point to another within the state, cherries infested with the cherry fruit fly in any living stage of its development,   and  it    is further declared to be illegal for any canning factory,  dealer, or  other person to receive for canning or to can, or to  have   in   possession   with intent to can or sell, cherries infested with the cherry fruit fly.

History: 1979 AC.