Section 285.635.3. Pet food label information.  

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  • Rule 3. Pet food shall be labeled with  the  information  prescribed   in this rule.

    (a)    The statement of net content and  product name  shall   be  on  the principal display panel of the label. Other required information may be placed elsewhere on the label but shall be  sufficiently   conspicuous   to render it easily readable.

    (b)    The label of a pet food shall specify the name and address of the place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor of the pet food. The statement of the place of business shall include the street address, if any, of the place unless the street address is shown in a current city directory.

    (c)   The information required to  appear  in   the  "guaranteed   analysis" shall be listed in the following order and in the form  stipulated  in   R 285.635.8:

    Crude protein (minimum) Crude fat (minimum) Crude fiber (maximum) Moisture (maximum)

    Additional guarantees shall follow moisture

    (d)   The maximum moisture in all canned pet foods shall be guaranteed and shall not exceed 78% of the natural moisture content of the constituent ingredients of the product, whichever is greater. Pet foods consisting principally of stew, gravy, sauce, broth, juice, or a milk replacer which are so labeled, may contain moisture in excess of 78%.

    (e)   Guarantees for minerals are not required if a pet  food is neither

    formulated for, nor represented in any manner as, a mineral supplement. A guarantee as may be given or required shall be expressed as the element and in units of measurement established by a recognized authority on animal nutrition such as the national research council.

    (f)   Guarantees for vitamins are not required if a pet food  is  neither formulated for, nor represented in any manner as, a vitamin  supplement.   A guarantee as may be  given or required shall be stated in units of measurement established by a recognized authority on animal nutrition such as the national research council.

    (g)   A vignette, graphic, or pictorial representation of a product on a pet food label shall not misrepresent the contents of the package.

    (h)    The words "dog food," "cat food," or similar designations shall appear conspicuously upon the principal display panel of a pet food label.

    (i)      The label of a pet food  shall  not  contain  an  unqualified representation or claim, directly or indirectly, that the pet food therein contained or a recommended feeding thereof, is or meets the requisites   of  a complete, perfect, scientific, or balanced

    ration for the entire life cycle or any limited stage of the life cycle of a dog or cat unless  the product or feeding contains 1 of the following:

    (i)     Ingredients  in  quantities   sufficient  to  provide  the   estimated  nutrient requirements for all stages or any limited stage of the life of a dog or cat, which have been established by a recognized authority  on animal nutrition, such  as  the committee  on  animal   nutrition   of  the national research council.

    (ii)   A combination of ingredients which, if fed to a  normal  animal    as the only source of nourishment, shall provide satisfactorily for fertility of females, gestation and lactation,  normal  growth  from   weaning  to maturity without supplementary feeding, and shall maintain  the   normal weight of an adult animal whether working or  at  rest and has  had  its capabilities in this regard demonstrated by adequate testing  for  the life cycle or for the specific stage of growth claimed. The testing shall be in accord with the protocol established by the association of  American  feed control officials.

History: 1979 AC.