Section 285.636.5. Standards for certification of private applicators.  

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  • Private applicators shall demonstrate a practical knowledge  of the principles and practices of pest management and the safe use of pesticides, including the standards for certification of private applicators set forth in 40 C.F.R. '171.5. These standards are adopted in these rules by reference and are available from the Superintendent of Documents, United States  Government   Printing  Office, Washington, DC 20402, at no  cost, or  from  the Michigan Department of Agriculture,

    P.O. Box 30017, Lansing, Michigan 48909, at no cost. In  addition,  private applicators   who apply    pesticides   by aircraft or apply pesticides   by   fumigation shall demonstrate a practical knowledge of the  additional   standards specifically identified  for   those   methods   of   application   in    R 285.636.4(c).   Private applicators include apiarists who apply restricted use pesticides to their own colonies for the management of bee diseases or parasites. Bee disease is defined in section 1 of 1976 PA 412, MCL 286.801.

History: 1979 AC; 1991 AACS; 2002 AACS.