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Michigan Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 16, 2016) |
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Department AC. Agriculture and Rural Development |
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Pesticide and Plant Pesticide Management Division |
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Chapter Regulation No. 715. Seed Law Implementation |
Section 285.715.10. Flower seeds; labeling kind and variety or type and performance characteristics.
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(1) The requirements of section 5 of Act No. 329 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, being S286.705 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, which specify that flower seeds shall be labeled with the name of the kind and variety or a statement of type and performance characteristics as prescribed in these rules shall be met as follows:
(a) For seeds of plants grown primarily for their blooms, the following provisions apply:
(i) If the seeds are of a single named variety, the kind and variety shall be stated, for example, "Marigold, Butterball."
(ii) If the seeds are of a single type and color for which there is no specific variety name, the type of plant, if significant, and the type and color of bloom shall be indicated, for example, "Scabiosa, Tall, Large Flowered, Double, Pink."
(iii) If the seeds consist of an assortment or mixture of colors or varieties of a single kind, the kind name, the type of plant, if significant, and the type or types of bloom shall be indicated. In addition, it shall be clearly indicated that the seed is mixed or assorted. An example of labeling such a mixture or assortment is, "Marigold, Dwarf Double French, Mixed Colors."
(b) If the seeds consist of an assortment or mixture of kinds or kinds and varieties, it shall be clearly indicated that the seed is assorted or mixed and the specific use of the assortment or mixture shall be indicated, for example, "Cut Flower Mixture," or "Rock Garden Mixture." Such statements as "General Purpose Mixture" or "Wonder Mixture" or any other statement which fails to indicate the specific use of the seed shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of this provision. Containers that have more
than 3 grams of seed shall list the kind or kind and variety names of each component that is more than 5.0% of the total content by weight in the order of its predominance and shall list the percentage by weight of each component. Components of 5.0% or less shall be listed, but need not be in order of predominance. A single percentage, by weight, shall be given for these components. If no component of a mixture is more than 5% of the total content, the statement "No component in excess of 5%" may be used. Containers that have 3 grams of seed or less shall list the components without giving the percentage by weight. Such listing need not be in order of predominance.
(2) The kinds of flower seeds listed in table 2 are those for which standard testing procedures have been prescribed and which are therefore required to be labeled in accordance with the germination labeling provisions of section 5 of Act No. 329 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, being S286.705 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
The percentage listed opposite each kind of flower seed is the germination standard for that kind. For the kinds of seed marked with an asterisk, the percentage is the total of percentage germination and percentage hard or dormant seed.
Seed Name Percentage
Achillea (The Pearl) - Achillea ptarmica.................... 50
Adam's needle - Yucca filamentosa......................... 50
African daisy - Dimorphoteca aurantiaca................. 55
African lilac daisy - Arctotis stoechadifolia............. 50
African violet - Saintpaulia species........................... 30
Ageratum - Ageratum mexicanum............................ 60
Agrostemma (rose campion) - Agrostemma coronaria . .65 Alyssum - Alyssum compactum, A. maritimum,
A. procumbens, A. saxatile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Amaranthus - Amaranthus species............................ 65
Anagalis (pimpernel) - Anagalis arvensis,
Anagalis coerulia, Anagalis grandiflora.................... 60
Anchusa - Two genera species: Cape bugloss - Anchusa capensis Italian bugloss - Anchusa azura
Forget-me-not - Brunnera macrophylla...................... 50
Anemone - Anemone coronaria, A. pulsatilla............ 55
Angel's trumpet - Datura arborea.............................. 60
Arabis - Arabis alpina................................................ 60
Arctotis (African lilac daisy) - Arctotis grandis 45
Armeria - Armeria formosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Asparagus, fern - Asparagus plumosus...................... 50
Asparagus, sprenger - Asparagus sprengerigeri 55
Aster, China - Callistephus chinensis; except Pompom, Powderpuff, and Princess types............................................................. 55
Aubrieta - Aubrieta deltoides............................ 45
Baby smilax - Asparagus asparagoides............... 25
Balloonvine - Cardiospermum halicacebum . . . 50 Balsam - Impatiens balsamina............................................ 70
Beach evening primrose - Camissonia cheiranthifolia (Oenothera cheiranthifolia).................................................... 50
Begonia - (Begonia fibrous rooted)..................... 60
Begonia - (Begonia tuberous rooted)................... 50
Bells of Ireland - Molucella laevis........................ 60
Bellflower (Bluebells of Scotland) Campanula rotundifolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Bergamot - Monarda species............................... 50
Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta.................... 50
Brachycome (Swan river daisy) - Brachycome iberidifolia. 60 Browallia - Browallia elata and B. speciosa............................ 65
Buphthalum (sunwheel) - Buphthalum salicifolium 60
Buttercup - Ranunculus species........................... 50
Butterfly milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa............. 50
Cactus - Cactaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Calceolaria - Calceolaria species........................... 60
Calendula - Calendula officinalis.......................... 65
Californica poppy - Eschscholtzia californica 60
Calliopsis - Coreopsis bicolor, C. drummondi, C. elegans 65 Camomile, golden - Anthemis tinctoria.................................... 50
Camomile, St. John's - Anthemis sancti - johannis 50 Campanula:
Canterbury bells - Campanula medium................... 60
Cup and saucer bellflower - Campanula medium calycanthema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Carpathian bellflower - Campanula carpatica 50
Peach bellflower - Campanula persicifolia.............. 50
Campion, clammy - Lychnis viscaria....................... 50
Candytuft, annual - Iberis gibraltarica, I. umbellata.65 Candytuft, perennial - Iberis amara, I. sempervirens.55
*Castor bean - Ricinus communis.............................. 60
Cathedral bells - Cobaea scandens . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Celosia - Celosia argentea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Basket flower - Centaurea americana Cornflower - C. cyanus
Dusty Miller - C. Candidissima Royal centaurea - C. imperialis Sweet sultan - C. moschata
Velvet centaurea - C. gymnocarpa......................... 60
Cerastium (snow-in-summer) Cerastium biebersteini and C. tomentosum.................................................................... 65
Chinese forget-me-not - Cynoglossum amabile............... 55
Chinese Houses - Collinsia heterophylla................... 50
Chrysanthemum, annual - Chrysanthemum carinatum,
C. coronarium, C. segetum................................ 40
Cineraria - Senecio cruentus.............................. 60
Clarkia - Clarkia elegans................................. 65
Cleome - Cleome gigantea.................................. 65
Coleus - Coleus blumei.................................... 65
Columbine - Aquilegia species............................. 50
Coral bells - Heuchera sanguinea.......................... 55
Coreopsis, perennial - Coreopsis lanceolata............... 40
Corn, ornamental - Zea mays............................... 75
Sensation, mammoth, and crested types - Cosmos bipinnatus
Klondyke type - C. sulphureus............................ 65
Crossandra - Crossandra infundibuliformis................ 50
Cyclamen - Cyclamen africanum............................. 50
Dahlia - Dahlia species................................... 55
Dames rocket - Hesperis matronalis........................ 50
Daylily - Hemerocallis species............................ 45
Delphinium, perennial: Belladonna and bellamosum types
Cardinal larkspur - Delphinium cardinale Chinensis types
Pacific giant, gold medal and other hybrids of D. elatum 55
Devils claws - Probosicidea louisianica.................. 50
Carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus....................... 60
China pinks - Dianthus chinensis, heddewigi, heddensis . 70 Grass pinks - Dianthus plumarius............................................... 60
Maiden pinks - Dianthus deltoides....................... 60
Sweet William - Dianthus barbatus....................... 70
Sweet Wivelsfield - Dianthus allwoodi................... 60
Didiscus - (blue lace flower) - Didiscus coerulea . . . 65 Dittany - Dictamus albus................................................ 50
Doronicum (leopard's bane) - Doronicum caucasicum . . . 60 Dracaena - Dracaena indivisa............................................... 55
Dragon tree - Dracaena draco............................ 40
Edelweiss - Leontopodium alpinum........................ 50
English daisy - Bellis perennis.......................... 55
Euphorbia, painted - Euphorbia heterophylla............. 50
Evening primrose - Oenothera biennis, O. argillicola . . 50 Everlasting pea - Lathyrus latifolius............................................... 50
Flame violet - Episcia species........................... 50
Golden flax, Linum flavum Flowering flax, L. grandiflorum
Perennial flax, L. perenne.............................. 60
Fleece flower - Polygonum capitatum..................... 50
Flowering maple - Abutilon species....................... 35
Foxglove - Digitalis species............................. 60
Fuschia - Fuschia species................................ 50
Annual - Gaillardia pulchella, G. picta Perennial - G. grandiflora....................................................................... 45
Gasplant - Distamus albus............................... 50
Gayfeather (blazing star) - Liatris species.............. 50
Gazania, pied - Gazania rigens.......................... 50
Geranium - Geranium species.............................. 50
Gerbera (transvaal daisy) - Gerbera jamesoni............. 60
German violet - Exacum affine........................... 50
Geum - Geum species..................................... 55
Gilia - Gilia species.................................... 65
Gladiolus - Gladiolus species............................ 50
Globe amaranth - Gomphrena globosa....................... 50
Globethistle, small - Echinops ritro..................... 50
Gloriosa daisy (rudbeckia) - Echinacea purpurea and Rudbeckia hirta.................................................................. 60
Gloxinia - Sinningia speciosa............................ 40
Godetia - Godetia amoena, G. grandiflora................ 65
Goldmoss sedum - Sedum acre............................. 50
Yellow flowered - Cucurbita pepo White flowered - Lagenaria sisceraria
Dishcloth - Luffa cyllindrica........................... 70
Annual baby's breath - Gypsophila elegans Perennial baby's breath - G. paniculata, G. pacifica, G. repens.... 70
Helenium - Helenium autumnale............................ 40
Helichrysum (strawflower) - Helichrysum bracteatum . . . 60 Heliopsis - Heliopsis scabra............................................... 55
Heliotrope - Heliotropium species........................ 35
Helipterum (acroclinium) - Helipterum roseum.............. 60
Hens and chickens - Sempervivum species.................. 50
Herb treemallow - Lavatera trimestris.................... 50
Hesperis (sweet rocket) - Hesperis matronalis............ 65
Hibiscus - Hibiscus species.............................. 60
*Hollyhock - Althea rosea............................... 65
Hunnemania (mexican tulip poppy) - Hunnemania
fumariaefolia 60
*Hyacinth bean - Lablab purpureus....................... 70
Impatiens - Impatiens holstii, I. sultani............... 55
Cypress vine - Ipomea quamoclit Moonflower - I. noctiflora
Morning glories, cardinal climber, hearts and honey vine - Ipomea species...................................................... 75
Japanese Iris - Iris kaempferi........................... 50
Jasmine primrose - Oenothera pallida..................... 50
Jerusalem cross (maltese cross) - Lychnis chalcedonica . 70 Job's tears - Coix lacrymajobi....................................................... 70
Jupiter's beard - Centranthus ruber..................... 50
Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe blossfeldiana..................... 50
Kochia - Kochia childsi................................. 55
Larkspur, annual - Delphinium ajacis..................... 60
Lamb's ear - Stachys byzantina.......................... 50
Lantana - Lantana camara, L. hybrida.................... 35
Lemon mint - Monarda citriodora......................... 50
Lilium (regal lily) - Lilium regale....................... 50
Linaria - Linaria species................................ 65
Livingstone daisy (iceplant) - Dorotheanthus belliformis 50 Lobelia, annual - Lobelia erinus..................................................... 65
Lunaria, annual - Lunaria annua.......................... 65
*Lupine - Lupinus species................................ 65
Maltese cross - Lychnis coronaria........................ 50
Marigold - Tagetes species............................... 65
Marvel of Peru (four o'clock) - Mirabilis jalapa......... 60
Matricaria (feverfew) - Matricaria species............... 60
Mignonette - Reseda odorata............................. 55
Monarch daisy - Venidium fastuosum...................... 50
Mullein pink - Lynchnis coronaria........................ 50
Myosotis - Myosotis alpestris, M. oblongata, M. palustris 50
Nasturtium - Tropaeolum species.......................... 60
Nemesia - Nemesia species................................ 65
Nemophila - Nemophila insignis........................... 70
Nemophila, spotted - Nemophila maculata................. 60
New England aster - Aster novae-angliae................. 50
Nicotiana - Nicotiana affinis, N. sanderae, N. sylvestris............................................................... 65
Nierembergia - Nierembergia species...................... 55
Nigella - Nigella damascena.............................. 55
Oregon fleabane - Erigeron speciosus..................... 50
Ozark sundrops - Oenothera macrocarpa, (Oenothera missouriensis)................................................................. 50
Pansy - Viola tricolor................................... 60
Pearlwort - Sagina sabulata............................. 50
Pearly everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea.............. 50
Penstemon - Penstemon barbatus, P. grandiflorus,
P. laevigatus, P. pubescens............................. 60
Peppermint - Mentha piperita............................ 50
Periwinkle - Catharanthus roseus......................... 50
Petunia - Petunia species............................... 45
Phacelia - Phacelia campanularia, P. minor, P. tanacetifolia 65
Phlox, annual - Phlox drummondi all types and varieties 55 Physalis - Physalis species.............................................. 60
Platycodon (balloon flower) - Platycodon grandiflorum 60 Plumbago, cape - Plumbago capensis................................................... 50
Polka-dot plant - Hypoestes phyllostachya............... 50
Ponytail - Beaucarnea recurvata......................... 40
Shirley poppy - Papaver rhoeas Iceland poppy - P. nudicaule Orientale poppy - P. orientale
Tulip poppy - P. glaucum................................. 60
Portulaca - Portulaca grandiflora....................... 55
Prairie coneflower - Ratibida columnifera................ 50
Prairie gentian - Eustoma grandiflorum................... 50
Primula (primrose) - Primula species...................... 50
Purple coneflower - Echinacea purpurea................... 50
Purple loosetrife - Lythrum salicaria.................... 50
Pyrethrum (painted daisy) - Pyrethrum coccineum.......... 60
Rock rose - Helianthemum nummularium..................... 50
Rose campion - Lynchnis coronaria........................ 50
Salpiglossis - Salpiglossis gloxinaeflora, S. sinuata . 60 Salvia:
Scarlet sage - Salvia splendens
Mealycup sage (blue bedder) - Salvia farinacea........... 50
Saponaria - Saponaria ocymoides, S. vaccaria............. 60
Scabiosa, annual - Scabiosa atropurpurea................. 50
Scabiosa, perennial - Scabiosa caucasica................. 40
Schizanthus - Schizanthus species........................ 60
*Sensitive plant (mimosa) - Mimosa pudica................ 65
Shasta daisy - Chrysanthemum maximum, C. leucanthemum . 65 Silk oak - Grevillea robusta............................................. 25
Snapdragon - Antirrhinum species......................... 55
Snow-on-the-mountain - Euphorbia marginata............... 50
Solanum - Solanum species................................ 60
Speedwell, Hungarian - Veronica austriaca................ 50
Speedwell, spike - Veronica spicata...................... 50
Spiderflower - Cleome hasslerana......................... 50
Statice - Statice sinuata, S. suworonii (flower heads) . 50 Stocks:
Common - Mathiola incana
Evening scented, Mathiola bicornis....................... 65
Sunflower - Helianthus species.......................... 70
Sunflower, Inula - Inula grandiflora.................... 50
Sunrose - Helianthemum species........................... 30
Swan river daisy - Brachycome iberidifolia............... 50
*Sweet pea, annual and perennial other than dwarf bush Lathyrus odoratus, L. latifolius....................................... 75
*Sweet pea, dwarf bush - Lathyrus odoratus............. 65
Sweet sultan - Amberboa moschata........................ 50
Sweet William catchfly - Silene armeria.................. 50
Tahoka daisy - Machaeanthera tanacetifolia............... 60
Tansy - Tanacetum vulgare................................ 50
Texas bluebonnet - Lupdinus subcarnosus.................. 50
Thunbergia - Thunbergia alata............................ 60
Tidy tips daisy - Layia platyglossa...................... 50
Tiger monkeyflower - Mimulus hybrids..................... 50
Torch flower - Tithonia speciosa......................... 70
Torenia (wishbone flower) - Torenia fournieri............ 70
Transvaal daisy - Gerbera jamesoni....................... 50
Tritoma (torch lily) - Kniphofia species................. 65
Unicorn plant - Probosicides louisianica................. 50
Verbena, annual - Verbena hybrida....................... 35
Vinca - Vinca rosea..................................... 60
Viola - Viola cornuta................................... 55
Virginian stocks - Malcolmia maritime..................... 65
Wallflower - Cheiranthus allioni; Erysimum x allionii . 65 Willowleaf oxeye - Buphthalmum salicifolium............................................ 50
Wooly marigold - Baileya multiradiata.................... 50
Yarrow - Achillea millefolium............................ 50
Yucca (Adam's needle) - Yucca filamentosa............... 50
Zinnia (except Linearis and creeping) - Zinnia angustifolia, Z. elegans, Z. grandiflora, Z. gracillima,
Z. haegeana, Z. multiflora, Z. pumila.................... 65
Zinnia, Linearis and creeping - Zinnia linearis, Sanvitalia procumbens.................................................... 50
All other kinds......................................... 50
(3) A mixture of kinds of flower seeds will be considered to be below standard if the germination of any kind or combination of kinds that constitutes 25% or more of the mixture, by number, is below standard for the kind or kinds involved.
History: 1990 AACS.