Section 285.715.13. Laboratory seed testing fees.  

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  • (1) The fees of $6.00 for purity testing, $5.00 for germination testing, and

    $10.00 for purity and germination testing are  the  fees   for general crops which include all of the following:

    (a)   Corn.

    (b)   Cereals.

    (c)   Soybeans.

    (d)  Field beans.

    (e)   Field peas.

    (f)  Buckwheat.

    (g)   Millet.

    (h)   Rape.

    (i)   Flax.

    (j)   Sunflower.

    (k)   Vetch.

    (l)   Clovers.

    (m)   ) Trefoil.

    (n)   Alfalfa.

    (o)   Lespedeza.

    (p)   Timothy.

    (q)   Sorghum.

    (r)   Vegetables and similar kinds of crops.

    (2)    The fees of $8.00 for purity testing, $7.00 for germination testing, and $14.00 for purity and germination testing are the fees for grasses, which include all of the following:

    (a)   Bromes.

    (b)   Fescues.

    (c)   Orchardgrass.

    (d)  Reed canarygrass.

    (e)   Wheatgrasses.

    (f)  Bluegrasses.

    (g)   Bentgrass.

    (h)   Red top.

    (i)   Ryegrass.

    (j)   Green needlegrass.

    (k)   Prairie sandreed.

    (l)   Sand dropseed.

    (m)   ) Switchgrass.

    (n)   Similar kinds of grasses.

    (3)   The fees of $16.00 for  purity   testing,  $8.00  for  germination testing, and $22.00 for purity and germination testing are the fees for chaffy rangegrasses, which include all of the following:

    (a)   Big bluestem.

    (b)   Little bluestem.

    (c)   Buffalograss.

    (d)  Indiangrass.

    (e)   Side oats grama.

    (f)  Similar kinds of chaffy rangegrasses.

    (4)   The following are fees for testing flower and tree seed: (a) Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.00.

    (b) Germination . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $ 6.00.

    (c) Purity and germination . . . . . . . . $12.00.

    (5)   The following are fees for testing mixtures  of  lawn,  pasture,  or flower seed:

    (a)    Purity -    $8.00    for    the     first     component,    plus    $5.00    for    each additional component.

    (b)    Germination - $7.00 for the first component,    plus    $4.00    for    each additional component.

    (c)   Purity and germination - combine the prices of subdivisions (a) and

    (b) of this subrule.

    (6)    The fee for an all states noxious   weed   examination    is   $4.00,    in addition to a standard purity charge.

    (7)   The fee for a tetrazolium test is $12.00.

    (8)   The fee for a sod grower's analysis is $40.00.

    (9)   The fee for a cold test for soybeans, field beans or corn is $8.00.

    (10)   The fee for tests that are  not  listed,  for  special  procedures, extra time, is $20.00 per hour.

    (11)   The fee for a moisture test is $3.00.

    (12)   The fees for testing for bacterial blight of a field bean are as follows:

    (a)   October 1 through December 15 - $15.00.

    (b)   December 16 through March 30 - $25.00. Blight tests are not conducted from April 1 through September 30.

    (13)    The fee for testing for bean common mosaic virus,    from    October     1 through January 15 only, is $10.00.

    (14)   Seed will not be tested for persons who do not reside in Michigan without the prior approval of the state seed analyst.

History: 1990 AACS.