Section 285.805.3. Application and approval for allotments.  

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  • (1) The president and secretary of an association that  requests funds  shall file a proper  application,   on  forms  provided  by  the department, in duplicate, within 120 days after the close of  the   fair   or exposition. The application shall include a proposed annual plan  that lists the activities in eligible categories and  the estimated  cost   for each category. The state may participate on a 1/2 matching  basis on cost but shall not pay more than $8,000.00 per fair for any 1 fiscal year. The match shall not be more than 1/2 of the fair market  value  for   applicable materials and labor.

    (2)   An application shall be accompanied by a resolution approving  the application that is passed by the fair's board of directors or its duly authorized executive committee.

    (3)    The president or secretary of the association shall submit such additional information as may be required by the director   in   considering the application.

    (4)   A lease-purchase agreement is an  acceptable  method   of  equipment rental.

    (5)   A fair shall submit an application each  year  to   be   eligible  for funding.

History: 1979 AC; 1984 AACS; 1992 AACS.