Section 323.2236. Rapid infiltration.  

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  • Rule 2236.(1) Rapid infiltration is the application of wastewater to areas of moderately to highly permeable soil. The majority of applied wastewater percolates through the soil, and the treated effluent drains  naturally  to groundwater.   The effluent is minimally treated as it travels through the soil matrix. Vegetation is not typically a part of the overall treatment process. The utilization of vegetation or its presence within a discharge area typically does not interfere with system performance. A facility utilizing rapid infiltration systems for the land treatment of wastewater shall design

    and construct the system under this rule.

    (2)      The system shall consist of 2 or more cells or absorption areas that can be alternately loaded and rested or consist of 1 cell or absorption area preceded by an effluent storage or stabilization pond system. If only 1 cell or absorption area   is provided, then the storage or stabilization pond shall be operated on a fill and draw basis and have sufficient  capacity to  allow intermittent loading of the cell or absorption area.

    (3)    For a system that has more than  1  cell  or   absorption  area,  an individual cell or absorption area of the system shall be capable of being taken out of service without disrupting application  to  other cells  or absorption areas of the system.

    (4)             An appropriate hydraulic loading cycle  shall  be   developed  and implemented to maximize long-term infiltration rates and allow for periodic maintenance.

History: 1980 AACS; 1998-2000 AACS