Section 325.1071. Definition of hospital.  

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  • Rule 71. A hospital is:

    (1)   An establishment which meets the definitions of a maternity hospital as given in Act No. 263 of the Public Acts of 1913, being S331.401 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

    (2)     An  establishment  offering  in-patient   services  and   physical facilities to  4 or more nonrelated individuals requiring diagnosis, treatment, or care for a period of more than 24 hours. Such establishment

    shall make readily available therein at least clinical laboratory and diagnostic x-ray services, as well as facilities for definitive medical and surgical treatment.

    (3)     An  establishment   offering  in-patient  services  and    physical facilities in one of the recognized medical specialties to 4 or more nonrelated individuals requiring diagnosis, treatment, and continuing

    daily care of physicians licensed to  practice  in  Michigan,   which establishment shall make readily available therein facilities necessary for definitive treatment in the recognized speciality; provided that the Michigan department of health's written evaluation of the establishment shall be reviewed by the commissioner's hospital committee, favorably recommended to the commissioner, and subsequently approved by him before certification.

History: 1954 AC; 1979 AC.