Section 325.3627. Toilet facilities.  

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  • Rule 27. (1) A toilet shall be constructed, located, and maintained so as to prevent a nuisance or public health hazard and to afford privacy.

    (2)   A toilet or privy seat shall be provided in the ratio of at least 1 unit for each 15 individuals it serves.

    (3)   A urinal that  is  constructed  of  nonabsorbent  material  may  be substituted for a man's toilet seat on the basis of not less than 24 inches of trough-type urinal for 1 toilet seat for a maximum of 1/3 of the required toilet seats.

    (4)   A separate toilet facility for each sex shall be provided, except in single-family shelters. Where more than 2 toilets are required, the additional toilets may be unisex. Toilets that serve the same sex shall be separated with a partition that is not less than 54 inches high and not less than 6 inches or more than 12 inches off the floor. Toilet facilities for each sex in the same building shall be separated by a solid wall from the floor to the ceiling or roof and shall be plainly designated "Men," "Women," or "unisex."

    (5)    A common-use toilet or privy shall be in a well-lighted area and shall be ventilated, clean, and sanitary.

    (6)   A toilet facility shall be located within 200 feet of the shelter it serves. A privy shall not be located closer than 50 feet from a shelter or facility where food is prepared or served.

    (7)   A privy structure and pit shall be fly-tight. A privy pit shall have an adequate capacity for the required seats.

    (8)   A toilet  seat  shall  be impervious  and  maintained  in  a  clean condition.

    (9)   Portable toilets shall be pumped at least once per week.

History: 1989 AACS.