Michigan Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 16, 2016) |
Department LR. Licensing and Regulatory Affairs |
Chapter Part 511. Temporary Labor Camps |
Section 325.51134. Toilet facilities.
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(1) Toilet facilities adequate for the capacity of the camp shall be provided.
(2) Each toilet room shall be located so as to be accessible without any individual passing through any sleeping room. Toilet rooms shall have a window not less than 6 square feet in area opening directly to the outside area or otherwise be satisfactorily ventilated. All outside openings shall be screened with 16-mesh material. No fixture, water closet, chemical toilet, or urinal shall be located in a room used for other than toilet purposes.
(3) A toilet room shall be located within 200 feet of the door of each sleeping room. No privy shall be closer than 100 feet to any sleeping room, dining room, lunch area, or kitchen.
(4) Where the toilet rooms are shared, such as in multifamily shelters and in barracks-type facilities, separate toilet rooms shall be provided for each sex. These rooms shall be distinctly marked "for men" and "for women" by signs printed in English and in the native language of the persons occupying the camp, or marked with easily understood pictures or symbols. If the facilities for each sex are in the same building, they shall be separated by solid walls or partitions extending from the floor to the roof or ceiling.
(5) Where toilet facilities are shared, the number of water closets or privy seats provided for each sex shall be based on the maximum number of persons of that sex which the camp is designed to house at any 1 time, in the ratio of 1 such unit to each 15 persons, with a minimum of 2 units for any shared facility.
(6) Urinals shall be provided on the basis of 1 unit or 2 linear feet of urinal trough for each 25 men. The floor from the wall and for a distance not less than 15 inches measured from the outward edge of the urinals shall be constructed of materials impervious to moisture. Where water under pressure is available, urinals shall be provided with an adequate water flush. Urinal troughs in privies shall drain freely into the pit or vault and the construction of this drain shall be such as to exclude flies and rodents from the pit.
(7) Every water closet installed on or after August 31, 1971 shall be located in a toilet room.
(8) Each toilet room shall be lighted naturally or artificially by a safe type of lighting at all hours of the day and night.
(9) An adequate supply of toilet paper shall be provided in each privy, water closet, or chemical toilet compartment.
(10) Privies and toilet rooms shall be kept in a sanitary condition. They shall be cleaned at least daily.
History: 2008 AACS.