Section 325.51866. Hygiene areas and practices.  

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  • (1) An employer shall provide clean change rooms, handwashing facilities, showers, and lunchroom facilities that are in compliance with General Industry Standard Part 1 “General Provisions,” or Construction Safety Standard Part 1 “General Rules,” as referenced in R 325.51851a, for employees whose airborne exposure to cadmium is above the PEL.

    (2)    An employer shall ensure that change rooms are equipped with separate storage facilities for street clothes and for protective clothing and equipment which are designed to prevent the dispersion of cadmium and contamination of the employee’s street clothes.

    (3)   Both of the following provisions pertain to showers and handwashing facilities:

    (a)   An employer shall ensure that employees who are exposed to cadmium above the PEL shower during the end of the work shift.

    (b)   An employer shall ensure that employees whose airborne exposure to cadmium is above the PEL wash their hands and faces before eating, drinking, smoking, chewing tobacco or gum, or applying cosmetics.

    (4)   Both of the following provisions pertain to lunchroom facilities:

    (a)     An employer shall ensure that lunchroom facilities are readily accessible to employees, that tables for eating are maintained free of cadmium, and that no employee in a lunchroom facility is exposed at any time to cadmium at or above a concentration of 2.5 µg/m3.

    (b)    An employer shall ensure that employees do not enter lunchroom facilities with protective work clothing or equipment unless surface cadmium has been removed from the clothing and equipment by HEPA filter vacuuming or some other method that removes cadmium dust without dispersing it.

History: 1993 AACS; 2013 AACS.