Section 325.51872. Actions triggered by medical examinations; applicability of subrules (1) and (2).  

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  • (1) This subrule applies only to general industry and agricultural operations. If the results of a medical examination carried out in accordance with these rules indicate any laboratory or clinical finding consistent with cadmium toxicity that does not require employer action required by R325.51869 to R 325.51871, then an employer shall, within 30 days, reassess the employee's occupational exposure to cadmium and take all of the following corrective actions until the physician determines  they are no   longer necessary:

    (a)  ) Periodically reassess all of the following:

    (i)   The employee's work practices and personal hygiene.

    (ii)   The employee's respirator use.

    (iii)   The employee's smoking history and status.

    (iv)   The respiratory protection program.

    (v)   The hygiene facilities.

    (vi)   The maintenance and effectiveness of the relevant engineering controls.

    (b)   Within 30 days after the reassessment, take all reasonable steps to correct the deficiencies found that may be responsible for the employee's excess exposure to cadmium.

    (c))Provide   medical  reexaminations  every  6  months   to  evaluate    the    abnormal clinical signs of cadmium toxicity until the results are normal or the employee is medically removed.

    (d)  If the results of tests for total proteins in urine are abnormal, provide a more detailed medical evaluation of the toxic effects of cadmium on the employee's renal system.

    (2)   This subrule applies only to the construction industry. If the results of a medical examination carried out in accordance with these rules indicate any laboratory or clinical finding consistent with cadmium toxicity that does not require employer action required by R325.51869 to R 325.51871, an employer shall take all of the following actions and continue to take them until the physician determines that they are no longer necessary:

    (a)  ) Periodically reassess all of the following:

    (i)   The employee's work practices and personal hygiene.

    (ii)   The employee's respirator use.

    (iii)   The employee's smoking history and status.

    (iv)   The respiratory protection program.

    (v)   The hygiene facilities.

    (vi)    The maintenance and effectiveness of the relevant engineering controls. The employer shall take all reasonable steps to correct the deficiencies discovered by this reassessment that may be responsible for the  employee's excess exposure to cadmium.

    (b)     Provide medical reexaminations every 6 months to evaluate the abnormal clinical signs of cadmium toxicity until the results are normal or the employee is medically removed.

    (c)If the results of tests for total proteins in urine are abnormal, provide a more detailed medical evaluation of the toxic effects of cadmium on the employee's renal system.

History: 1993 AACS; 1998 AACS.