Section 325.5287. Radiation survey instruments.  

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  • (1) A licensee or registrant shall maintain calibrated and operable radiation survey instruments to make physical radiation surveys as required by this part and part 5. Each radiation survey instrument shall  be calibrated at intervals not to exceed 3  months  and  after

    each   instrument servicing.  A record of such calibration shall be maintained for  examination by the department.

    (2)   Instrumentation required by this rule shall have a range such that 2 milliroentgens per hour through 1 roentgen per hour can be measured and shall be capable of measuring radiation of the energies and at the dose rates to be encountered.

    (3)    During repair or calibration of survey instruments required by this rule, spare operable and calibrated instruments shall be provided or radiographic operations shall be terminated pursuant to rule 307(1).

History: 1979 AC.