Section 325.5333. Conditions of operation.  

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  • (1) An operator shall properly utilize the beam-limiting devices provided to restrict the useful beam to the smallest area consistent with clinical requirements. Particular care shall be taken  to  align  accurately the x-ray beam with the patient and film.

    (2)   The operator shall insure the presence of adequate filtration before any radiographic procedure.

    (3)    Staff personnel routinely working with or around radiation sources shall not be required by the licensee or registrant to hold film or restrain patients during radiography. If such procedure is permitted personnel exposure shall not exceed rule 205 or the procedure shall be prohibited.

    (4)   When a patient must be held in position for radiography, mechanical supporting or restraining devices shall be available and shall be used unless contraindicated. If the patient must be held by an individual, this individual shall wear protective gloves and a protective apron of 0.5 millimeter minimum lead equivalence and he shall be  so  positioned  that  no part of his body will be struck by the useful beam and that his body is as far as possible from the edge of the useful beam.

    (5)    Only individuals whose presence is necessary shall be permitted in the radiographic room during exposure. Each individual, except the patient, shall be protected by 0.5 millimeter minimum lead  equivalent  aprons  unless protected by an approved primary barrier.

    (6)    Personnel monitoring shall be performed in controlled areas for each individual occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation from diagnostic x- ray equipment. Personnel monitoring devices such as film badge dosimeters or thermoluminescent dosimeters  shall   be

    permanently   assigned    to   each occupationally exposed  individual.    This monitoring  shall  be continuous during employment as a radiation worker.

    (7)    Personnel exposure records shall be kept on permanent available file at the facility where the exposure occurs.

    (8)   Monitoring devices used to estimate whole body exposure shall normally be worn on the chest or abdomen.  Monitoring of any other body part shall comply with rule 222.

    (9)   Monitoring devices worn to estimate personnel occupational exposure shall not be worn by the individual when he is exposed as a patient for any medical or dental reason.

    (10)       The gonads of children and persons who  have   not  passed  the reproductive age shall be protected from the useful beam either by the use of shielding (0.5 mm lead equivalent), collimation, or special gonad shields when this will not interfere with the conditions or objectives of the examination.

    (11)      Intensifying screens shall be employed to reduce patient exposure except in cases where a noticeable decrease in image definition may reduce the clinical value of the examination. Film and screen speed combinations shall be carefully selected to produce the necessary clinical information with the least exposure to the patient consistent with current clinical judgement.

    (12)      Film processing materials and techniques shall be those recommended by the x-ray film and processing materials manufacturers unless otherwise tested to insure maximum information content of the developed film. Sight developing in not permitted except under extreme emergency conditions.

    Correct temperature control and development time are    necessary   to   minimize radiation dose to the patient.

    (13)       A radiographic x-ray system shall not be left unattended without locking the apparatus, room or building in some manner which will prevent use of the apparatus by unauthorized persons.

History: 1954 ACS 85, Eff. Dec. 3, 1975.