Section 336.2031. Reference test method 9B.  

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  • Reference test method 9B, coke oven inspection procedures for visible emissions, reads as follows:

    (a)      Charging. For the purposes of determining compliance with the coke oven standards for charging, the following inspection procedure shall be utilized:

    (i)      Observations for the purpose of determining compliance with the coke oven standards for charging emissions shall be made from any point or points on the topside of a coke oven battery from which an observer can obtain an unobstructed view of the charging operation. The observer shall determine and record the total number of seconds

    that charging emissions are visible during the charging of coal to the coke oven. The observer shall time the visible charging emissions with a stopwatch while observing the charging period. The observer shall stop the watch when visible emissions stop or are obscured from view and shall restart the stopwatch only when visible emissions are observed again. Simultaneous emissions from more than 1 emission point shall be timed and recorded as 1 emission and shall not be added individually to the total time.

    (ii)      Charging emissions shall not include any emissions observed after all the charging port covers have been firmly seated following the removal of the larry car, such as emissions occurring when a cover is temporarily removed to permit the sweep-in of spilled coal.

    (iii)      The total number of seconds of visible emissions observed, clock time for the initiation and completion of the charging period, battery identification, and oven number of each charge shall be recorded by the observer. If observations of emissions from a charge are interrupted due to events beyond the control of the observer, the data from that charge shall be invalidated unless a violation has already been noted. The reason for invalidating the data shall be noted on the observer's observation sheet. The observer shall then resume observation of the next consecutive charge or charges, and continue until a set of consecutive charges has been obtained for comparison with the emission standard. The charge immediately preceding the interrupted charge and the charge immediately following the interrupted charge shall constitute consecutive charges. Compliance shall be determined by summing the seconds of charging emissions observed during any set of 4 consecutive charges on the same battery. Observations can be terminated once a violation has been identified, even though 4 complete charges have not been observed. Any 1 charge may be included in only 1 set of consecutive charges.

    (b)      Doors. Compliance with the percent door leakage standard shall be determined as follows:

    (i)      The area to which the door leakage standard applies is the door and any location on the perimeter of a coke oven door, including the door jamb, or, with respect to chuck doors, the door and any location on the perimeter of a chuck door, but  not  when emissions are seen to come from the area between a buck stay and adjacent jamb.

    (ii)      Observations of door emissions shall be made from a minimum distance of 25 feet from each door. Each door shall be observed in sequence for only that period necessary to determine whether or not, at the time, there are visible emissions from any point on the door while the observer walks along the side of the battery. If the observer's view of a door is more than momentarily obstructed, as, for example, by door machinery, pushing machinery, coke guide, luter truck, or opaque steam plumes, the observer shall record the door obstructed and the nature of the obstruction and continue the observations with the next door in sequence which is not obstructed. The observer shall continue this procedure along the entire length of the battery for both sides and shall record the battery identification, battery side, and oven door identification number of each door exhibiting visible emissions. Before completing the traverse, or immediately thereafter, the observer shall attempt to again observe the obstructed doors. A row of 2 or more continuous batteries may be inspected by observing all of the doors on one side of the row of batteries and then all of the doors on the other side.

    (iii)      Compliance with this section shall be calculated by applying the following formula separately for coke side doors, pusher side doors, and chuck doors:

    (number of doors with visible emissions

    on operating ovens in the battery) x 100       = [(number of doors on total ovens in the battery) -

    (number of doors obstructed from view on operating ovens)]

    actual percentage of doors with visible emissions

    (c)      Ports. Compliance with the limits on visible emissions from charging ports shall be determined as follows:

    (i)      Observations of any visible emissions shall be made and recorded during the time an observer walks the topside of a battery from one end to the other. Each oven shall be observed in sequence.

    (ii)      The observer shall record the battery identification, the points of emissions from each oven, and the oven number.

    (iii)      The observer shall not record the following:

    (A)    Visible  emissions  from   charging  ports   on  ovens  that  are  opened  during  a decarbonization period, if not more than 3 ovens are undergoing decarbonization.

    (B)    Visible emissions caused by maintenance work in progress at an oven.

    (C)    Steam emissions, including steam caused by the vaporization of wet luting materials.

    (iv)      Compliance shall be determined by applying the following formula:

    (number of charging ports with visible

    emissions on operating ovens in the battery) x 100              = (number of charging ports on operating ovens in the battery)

    actual percentage of charging ports with visible emissions

    (d)      Standpipe assembly emission points. Compliance with the limits on visible emissions from standpipe assembly emission points shall be determined as follows:

    (i)      Observations of any visible emissions from the standpipe assembly shall be made by traversing the topside of the battery. During the traverse, the observer shall walk as near to the center of the battery as safety considerations permit, but may walk as close as necessary to the offtake piping to determine whether an observed emission is emanating from the standpipe assembly. If the battery has 2 collector mains, the observer may take 2 traverses to observe emissions from standpipe assembly emission points.

    (ii)      Each oven shall be observed in sequence.

    (iii)      The observer shall record the battery identification; the number of the standpipe assembly emission points with visible emissions, which shall not exceed the number of emission points on the oven; and the oven number.

    (iv)      The observer shall not record the following:

    (A)    Visible emissions from standpipe assemblies on ovens that are opened during the decarbonization period, if not more than 3 ovens are undergoing decarbonization.

    (B)    Visible emissions caused by maintenance work in progress at an oven.

    (C)    Steam emissions, including steam caused by the vaporization of wet luting material.

    (v)      Compliance shall be determined by applying the following formula:

    (number of standpipe assembly emission points with = visible emissions on operating ovens) x 100

    (number of standpipe assembly emission points on the operating ovens of the coke battery)

    actual percentage of emission points with visible emissions

    (e)      Pushing. Compliance with the visible emission standards during pushing operations shall be determined in accordance with the following inspection technique:

    (i)      Visible emission observers shall be certified in accordance with the procedures specified in reference test method 9.

    (ii)      Visible emissions from any pushing emission control device outlet shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of reference test method 9, except as follows:

    (A)    The observer shall be positioned in accordance with the provisions of section

    2.1 of method 9 to the extent practicable.

    (B)    The data reduction provisions of section 2.5 of method 9 shall be based on an average of 6 consecutive readings taken at 15-second intervals.

    (C)    The readings shall commence when the coke begins to fall into the coke receiving car and shall end with the sixth reading.

    (iii)      In viewing fugitive push and travel emissions, the observer shall stand on the coke side of the battery where a clear view of the push can be obtained. This generally should be a location on the ground in the coke side yard outside the hot car tracks. The observer shall not be restricted to the ground level, but may make the observation from some elevated level. The observer's line of sight should be approximately perpendicular to the line of travel of the quench car. If observations of emissions from a pushing operation are interrupted due to events beyond the control of the observer, the data from that pushing operation shall be invalidated unless a violation has already been noted.

    (iv)      During the pushing operation, the reader shall observe all the pushing emissions, including, but not limited to, fugitive emissions from the pushing emission control device and from open quench cars during travel. All fugitive push emissions shall be read above the battery top. Fugitive emissions during travel may be read against any contrasting background.

    (v)      Fugitive visible emissions during the pushing of coke into the coke receiving car shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of reference test method 9, except as follows:

    (A)    The data reduction provisions of section 2.5 of method 9 shall be based on an average of 6 consecutive readings taken at 15-second intervals.

    (B)    The readings shall commence when coke begins to fall into the coke receiving car and shall end with the sixth reading.

    (vi)      Fugitive visible emissions during transit of the coke receiving car to the quench tower shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of reference test method 9, except as follows:

    (A)    The data reduction provisions of section 2.5 of method 9 shall be based on an average of as many consecutive readings as are possible during transit of the coke receiving car.

    (B)    The readings used to determine compliance shall be those readings taken after the car leaves the hood and until the car enters the quench tower.

    (f)      Definition of "operating ovens." For the purposes of subrules (2)(c), (3)(d), and (4)(e) of this rule, an "operating oven" means an oven which is not out of service for a rebuild or for maintenance that is extensive enough to require the oven to be left out of the charging sequence.

History: 1985 AACS.