Section 338.1301. Definitions.  

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  • Rule 1.  As used in these rules:

    (a)     "Board" means the board of athletic trainers.

    (b)   "Clinical evaluation and assessment" means the process of determining the severity of an injury or illness, including any of the following:

    (i)         The pre-participation examination performed prior to physical activity  to determine a possible medical condition   or  conditions  that   might  limit  or endanger the participating individual.

    (ii)    The on-site evaluation that emphasizes the immediate course of acute care and determination of emergency situations.

    (iii)   The off-site evaluation involving a more detailed evaluation of the injury and/or illness.

    (iv)      A  progressive   evaluation  performed   to  determine   either  the     status     of  the rehabilitative, restorative and/or healing process or the ability  to  return to the activity. (c)  "Code" means 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.1101.

    (d)    "Department" means the department of community health.

    (e)     "Direct supervision" means that the licensee is physically  present   and immediately available for face-to-face direction and supervision at the time the procedure is performed and that the licensee has direct contact with the individual upon whom the procedure is being performed.

    (f)     "Emergency cardiac care" means adult and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation,  airway  obstruction,   second    rescuer   cardiopulmonary   resuscitation, the  use   of   automated   external   defibrillators,   and  barrier devices, such as a pocket  mask or bag valve mask.

    (g)      "Endorsement" means the acknowledgement that the licensing criteria in 1 jurisdiction are substantially equivalent to the criteria established and described in section 16186 of the code.

    (h)   "Immediate care and treatment" means the ability to  provide direct  athletic training services rendered by members  of  health   care professions for the benefit of the individual.

    (i)   "Injury or illness"  means  any  damage  to   the  body,  as  deemed appropriate by the directing or supervising physician.

    (j)          "Rehabilitation  and    reconditioning"   means   the   use   of therapeutic procedures by a licensed athletic  trainer  in    manner    to   effect  change through the

    application of clinical skills and/or services that attempt to improve function or the return of an individual to a desired level  of function through the use of any physical agent applied to produce therapeutic changes to biologic tissue including, but not limited to, thermal,  acoustic, light, mechanical, or electric energy.

    (k)   "Risk management and  injury  prevention" means the ability to discern, evaluate, and communicate risk associated  with participation in physical activities.

History: 2010 AACS.