Section 338.1525. Salesperson's license; identification card; discharge; termination or transfer of salesperson; temporary license for salesperson or salesperson license applicant.  

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  • Rule 25. (1) A salesperson shall be licensed under a person holding a license as a builder or contractor, but shall not be licensed under more than 1 builder or contractor during the same period of time.

    (2)   An application for a salesperson license shall be submitted by the employing builder or contractor. An applicant for a salesperson license  who is currently licensed as a residential builder or maintenance and alteration contractor, or has been licensed as a residential builder or maintenance and alteration contractor within the past 3 years, shall not be required to  take the salesperson examination.

    (3)     Upon approval, the department  shall  issue  a  license  and   an identification card containing the name and business address of the salesperson. The card shall be carried by the salesperson and shall be shown as identification to every prospective customer. A salesperson shall not commence work until the builder or contractor under whom the salesperson is licensed receives the salesperson's license and identification card from the department.

    (4)     When a salesperson licensed under this act is discharged or otherwise terminates employment with the builder or contractor under whom he or she is licensed, the builder or contractor shall return the  salesperson's  license, and the salesperson shall

    return the identification card  to  the  department within 5 days from the date of discharge or termination.

    (5)     When a licensed salesperson transfers employment from the builder or contractor under which he or she is presently licensed to a new employer, the new employer shall submit to the department an application for transfer of the salesperson's license to the new employer.

History: 1979 AC; 2006 AACS.