Section 339.14008. Application for nursing home administrator license; requirements.  

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  • Rule 8. (1)  An applicant for a nursing home administrator license shall submit the required fee and a completed application on a form provided by the department. In addition  to   meeting  the  requirements   of  the  code  and  these  rules,  an  applicant   for

    licensure shall meet 1 of the following:

    (a)   Complete a course of instruction and training that meets the requirements of R 339.14007(1)(a) and (b).

    (b)    Have been employed as a chief executive or administrative officer at a state- licensed hospital for not less than 5 of the 7 years immediately preceding the date of applying for a nursing home administrator license, as provided in MCL 333.17309(3) of the code.

    (2)      In addition to meeting the requirements of subrule (1) of this rule, an applicant shall pass both of the following examinations within 1 year of the date of application:

    (a)      The national nursing home administrators licensing examination of the national association    of   long-term  care   administrator   boards   that    is   administered    by   the

    professional    examination    service     or    its    successor    organization,    pursuant     to    R 339.14011(1).

    (b)     The Michigan nursing home licensure examination, pursuant to R 339.14011(2).

    (3)     An applicant may sit for the national and Michigan examinations a maximum of 6 times for each examination.

History:  2014 AACS.