Section 340.2. Pupils to be counted in membership.  

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  • (1) To be counted in membership on the count dates, a pupil shall be enrolled and in regular daily attendance in the school district and maintain such status of enrollment on the count day as provided by statute or these rules.

    (2)     A pupil who is enrolled and in attendance in a district prior to the count day, but is not in attendance in the district on the count day and is enrolled and in attendance in another district on the count day, shall not be counted in the former district but shall be counted in the membership in  the latter district.

    (3)     A pupil who is enrolled and in attendance on the count day in more than 1 district shall be counted on a pro rata basis based upon the time of attendance in each district on the count day.

    (4)     A pupil who is enrolled part-time in more than 1 district on the count day shall be counted in membership pursuant to R 340.7.

    (5)     A pupil who is enrolled in more than 1 district with a full-time schedule in each district and is in attendance in more than 1 such district on the count day shall be counted in membership in each district on a pro rata basis based upon the time of attendance in each district  on  the count day.

    (6)      A part-time pupil who is enrolled in a class that is part of a series of classes, but who is enrolled in less than the full series of classes, such as a pupil enrolled in 1 class in a series of 3 6-week classes, shall be counted for the class on a pro rata basis. The calculation of the full-time equivalency for that class shall be equal to the number of hours for which the class is scheduled divided by the number of hours for which a full- time equated pupil is scheduled.

    (7)   The membership of a pupil who is regularly  enrolled  in  the  public schools while in attendance at religious instruction classes for not  more than 2 class hours per week, off public school property during school hours upon written request of the parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis,  is not affected by such released time.

    (8)   A foreign student or a foreign exchange student residing in the district may be counted in membership as provided by these rules. A foreign student or  foreign exchange student residing in the district who has met the age requirements and has not obtained a high school diploma pursuant to section 6(4) of 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1606(4) may be counted in membership.

    (9)    A pupil whose residence is within the boundaries of the school district or whose residence for educational purposes is prescribed by law to be within the school district may be counted in membership. A pupil who is 18 years of age or older may establish his or her own residence for educational purposes.

    (10)   A pupil whose residence is in   another  school   district,  if  the enrolling district has the approval of the resident district to count the pupil in membership or the pupil meets 1 of the conditions under section 6(4) or section 6(6) of 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1606(4) or 388.1606(6), may be counted in membership.

    (11)   A homebound or hospitalized pupil receiving instruction as a result of a medical condition under section 109 of 1979 PA 94, MCL  388.1709,  from either the district the pupil is enrolled in or the intermediate school district in a non-special education homebound program may be counted in membership if both of the following provisions are satisfied:

    (a)   ) A minimum of 2 45-minute periods of individualized instruction per week are given.

    (b)     The instruction is provided by a certificated teacher.

    (12)     An eligible special education pupil who is receiving homebound or hospitalized instruction from either the district in which the pupil is enrolled or the intermediate school district pursuant to R 340.1746 may be counted in membership.

    (13)      A pupil receiving home-based instruction (in the pupil's home or otherwise apart from the general school population) as a result of a mandatory suspension or expulsion under sections 1311(2) or 1311a of 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1311(2) or MCL 380.1311a, from either the district in which   the pupil is enrolled or the intermediate

    school district, may be counted as a full-time equated pupil in membership if all of the following are met:

    (a)      A minimum of 2 nonconsecutive hours of individualized instruction is given per week under the supervision of a certificated teacher.

    (b)     The instruction is provided by a certificated   teacher in a 1-to-1 environment.

    (c)     Instructional materials, resources, and supplies, except  computers, are comparable to those provided  in  the  district's  alternative education program.

    (d)    Course content is comparable to that of the alternative   education program.

    (e)     Credit earned is awarded to the pupil and  placed on the pupil's transcript.

    (f)        Virtual learning or online learning may be used to supplement the pupil instructional time requirement. The district shall comply with the virtual learning requirements under R 340.11. The teacher shall be in weekly contact with the pupil to assess the pupil's progress.

    (g)     Postsecondary dual enrollment under R 340.17 may be used to supplement the pupil instructional time requirement of subrule (13)(a) of this rule.

    (14)         A pupil receiving instruction in an alternative education program or strict discipline academy as a result of a mandatory suspension or expulsion under sections 1311(2) or 1311a of 1976 PA  451,  MCL   380.1311(2)  or  MCL 380.1311a, from either the district in which the pupil is enrolled or  the intermediate school district, may be counted in membership.

    (15)      A pupil receiving home-based instruction (in the pupil's home or otherwise apart from the general  school  population)  as  a  result   of disciplinary action that is not a mandatory suspension or expulsion under section 1311(2) or 1311a of 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1311(2) and  MCL 380.1311a,

    from either the district the pupil is enrolled or the intermediate school district, may be counted in membership on a pro rata basis pursuant to section 6(4)(u) of 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1606(4)(u) if all of the following are met:

    (a)     A minimum of 2 nonconsecutive hours of pupil instruction is given per week under the supervision of a certificated teacher.

    (b)     Instructional materials, resources, and supplies, except  computers, are comparable to those provided  in  the  district's  alternative education program.

    (c)     Course content is comparable to that of the alternative   education program.

    (d)    Credit earned is awarded to  the pupil and  placed on the pupil's transcript.

    (e)         Virtual learning or online learning may be used to supplement the pupil instructional time requirement. The district shall comply with the virtual learning requirements under R 340.11. The teacher shall be in weekly contact with the pupil to assess the pupil's progress.

    (f)    Postsecondary dual enrollment under R 340.17 may be used to supplement the pupil instructional time requirement in subrule (15)(a) of this rule and may be used in the calculation of a pupil's full-time equated membership.

    (16)       A pupil whose parents live on land in this state over which the federal government has exclusive jurisdiction may be included in membership in the school district which the pupil attends and shall be counted as a tuition pupil. However, if the land has been attached to a school district as prescribed by law, then the pupil is a resident of the district entitled to all the educational rights and privileges of other resident children.

    (17)     A pupil placed in a state institution by the pupil's parent or legal guardian shall be counted in membership as a resident of the educating school district or intermediate school district.

    (18)       A student with a disability, as defined in R 340.1702 to R 340.1717, who is enrolled in regular daily attendance and who is receiving instruction in a school district or intermediate school district operating a special education program approved by the department of education, may be counted in membership.

    (19)            A pupil who is a homeless child under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq., may be counted in membership.

    (20)     A nonpublic or home school pupil may enroll in nonessential elective courses in grades 1 to 12 in a district and be counted for the purposes of membership on a pro-rata basis pursuant to section 166b of 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1766b. All of the following apply:

    (a)       Nonessential elective courses include, but are not limited to, band, art, music, drama, computer technology, life skills, career and technical education, physical education, driver's education and advanced  placement level courses.  A district shall not enroll a nonpublic or home school  pupil in essential courses.

    (b)     Essential courses include, but are not limited to mathematics, reading, English, social studies, science, writing, the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of Michigan, and the history and present form of civil government of the United States, the state of Michigan, and the political subdivisions and municipalities of the state of Michigan.

    (c)       For membership purposes, a nonpublic or home school pupil may enroll in a special education resource and categorical  program  classroom   that provides support and not core curriculum.

History: 1979 AC; 1984 AACS; 2008 AACS.