Section 38.42. Service credit toward retirement.  

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  • (1) Under MCL 38.1i(1) of the act all of the following shall apply:

    (a)     Years of service are credited in accordance with the state fiscal year.

    (b)     The maximum service credited on the payroll end date of any state biweekly pay period is 80 hours.

    (c)     The maximum service credited in a fiscal year  is  1.0000   which  is equivalent to 2,080 hours.

    (d)    A maximum of 26 biweekly pay periods of 80 hours shall be credited in a fiscal year. Proportionate service credit shall be awarded for payrolls reported on a frequency other than a biweekly pay period. A part-time employee earns service credit in proportion to the hours worked within that pay period.

    (e)     Only regular hours are counted for service credit and overtime hours shall not count towards creditable service.

    (2) An employee whose position is designated full time under legislative council operations administrative rules and determined to be full time by the staff of the retirement system, but whose full time schedule totals less than 80 hours per biweekly pay period, shall be credited with .0385 years for each full pay period of work.

History: 2008 AACS.