Section 393.5023. Standard Level 1; non-complex, low-risk environments.  

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  • Rule 23. (1) Interpreters at standard level 1 shall hold 1 of the following credentials:

    (a)   MI-BEI I.

    (b)   Michigan QA 1, until phased out as provided in R 393.5021 (l)(a)(i).

    (c)   DI.

    (d)  NAD 3.

    (e)   RID IC (interpretation certificate).

    (f)  RID TC (transliteration certificate).

    (2)   Interpreters assigned to standard level 1 may work in the following environments; effective communication is required to be achieved:

    (a)   Workshops, meetings, and training or general presentations, except for topics related to health, mental health, law, employment, finance, and government.

    (b)   VRS.

    (c)   Post-secondary education or GED training.

    (d)  Vocational training - post-high school and assessments.

History: 2014 AACS.