Section 400.11313. Maintenance.  

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  • Rule 313. (1) A campsite shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, and safe condition.

    (2)   The campsite, including  main  and  accessory  structures,   shall  be maintained so as to prevent and eliminate rodent and insect harborage.

    (3)    Plumbing fixtures and water and waste pipes shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition.

    (4)     Water closet compartment, bathroom, and kitchen floor surfaces shall be constructed and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and be composed of slip-resistant material.

    (5)    Hot water pipes, steam radiators, fireplaces, and permanently installed space heaters and registers shall be  shielded to  protect  campers  against burns.

History: 1984 AACS; 2009 AACS.