Section 400.1431. Bedrooms generally.  

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  • (1) A living room, dining room, hallway, basement, or other room not ordinarily used for sleeping  shall  not  be  used  for  sleeping purposes by residents of the home.

    (2)    Bedrooms for residents shall be separated from halls, corridors, and other rooms by floor to ceiling walls.

    (3)   Interior doorways of bedrooms  occupied  by  residents  shall   be equipped with a side-hinged, permanently mounted door equipped with positive-latching, non-locking-against-egress hardware.

    (4)   Traffic to and from any  room shall not  be   through   a   resident bedroom.

    (5)   Bedrooms shall have at least 1 window.

    (6)   Residents of the opposite sex shall not occupy the same bedroom for sleeping purposes, unless they are husband and wife.

    (7)   A resident having impaired mobility, as determined by a licensed physician, shall not sleep in or be assigned a bedroom located above the street floor in a single- family residence.

    (8)   A resident shall be provided  with   reasonable  storage  space   for storage of his or her personal belongings.

History: 1984 AACS.