Section 400.18602. Definitions.  

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  • Rule 602. As used in this part:

    "Approved" means acceptable to the state fire marshal.

    "Automatic  fire   detection  system"   means  at   least     local   system incorporating labeled underwriters laboratories, incorporated, control units,  with audible  signal   devices,   thermostats,    and   associated instruments and devices listed by underwriters laboratories, incorporated, in its fire protection equipment list, and installed in accordance with the national fire protection association pamphlets nos. 72A, 72B, and 72D, 1972 edition, proprietary, auxiliary, and local  protective signaling systems which are adopted by reference in R 400.18659.

    "Automatic sprinkler system" means a sprinkler system that is installed in accordance with the provisions of national  fire  protection  association pamphlet no. 13, 1972 edition, sprinkler systems, which  is  adopted   by reference in R 400.18659.

    "Authority having jurisdiction" means the Michigan department of state police, fire marshal division.

    "Basement" means that portion of a building which is  below  grade,    but which is so located that the vertical distance from the grade to the floor is not more than the vertical distance  from   the  grade  to    the  ceiling; except that where the ceiling of such portion of a building is   located  5 feet or more above grade for more than 25% of the perimeter measurement of the building or part of the building affected, it shall be classed  as   a first story.

    "Building" means a congregate facility occupied by residents.

    "Cellar" means that portion of a building which is  partly  below   grade, but which is so located that the vertical distance from the grade to the floor is greater than the vertical distance from the grade to the ceiling.

    "Combustible" means the opposite of noncombustible.

    "Department" means the Michigan department of state police,  fire  marshal division.

    "Director" means the state fire marshal.

    "Existing" means a facility constructed and licensed before February  1, 1975. "Exit" means a way of departure from  the  interior  of                             a    building    or structure to

    a street or to an open space that provides safe access to a street. An exit may comprise vertical and horizontal means of travel, such as doorways, stairways, ramps, corridors, passageways,   and   fire   escapes, including all of the elements that are necessary for  an

    emergency escape from the building or structure. An exit begins at a doorway or other point of access to an exit from which occupants may proceed to the exterior of the building or structure with reasonable safety.

    "Fire alarm system" means, at a  minimum,  a  local   system  that incorporates control units, audible signal devices, thermostats, and associated instruments and devices listed by underwriters laboratories, incorporated, in its fire protection equipment  list,   and  installed   in accordance   with  the  1972  edition   of  the  national fire protection association pamphlet nos. 72A, 72B, and 72D,  proprietary,   auxiliary, and local protective signaling systems, which are  adopted  by  reference  in   R 400.18659.

    "Fire doors" means doors constructed in accordance with the 1970 edition of the national fire protection association pamphlet no. 80 entitled, standard for the installation of fire doors and windows, which is adopted by reference in R 400.18659 and labeled in accordance with the listing  of underwriters laboratories, incorporated.

    "Fire resistant construction" means  a   building  that   has  all   walls, ceilings, floors, partitions, and the roof  made  of  noncombustible materials, such as stone, brick, tile, concrete, gypsum, steel, or similar noncombustible materials. Structural members shall be of such assembly or be protected by material that will afford a fire- resistance rating of 1 hour or more.

    "Fire resistance rating" means materials or an assembly of materials that shall afford a rating as prescribed in the 1964 edition, as amended, of the fire resistance rating pamphlet published by the national board  of  fire underwriters   or  as  prescribed  in the  listings  of  underwriters laboratories, incorporated, building materials list.

    "Flameproof" or "flameproofing" means materials that do not readily ignite or propagate flame under test  conditions.  Flameproofed   materials  usually   are combustible materials that have been treated or coated to modify their burning properties.

    "Inspecting authority" means the state fire marshal.

    "New" means  an  existing  facility  licensed  and  constructed   between February 1, 1975, and the effective date of these rules. It also includes any addition and remodeling to a building after February 1, 1975, and  the effective date of these rules.

    "Noncombustible" means any of the following:

    (a)   A material that will not ignite and burn when subjected to fire. A material that liberates flammable gas when heated  to  a   temperature  of 1,380 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes is not  considered  noncombustible.

    (b)   A material which has a structural base of noncombustible material  as defined in subdivision (a) of this rule and which has a surfacing that is not more than 1/8-inch thick and that has a flame spread rating of not more than 50 in compliance with the provisions of R 400.18639.

    (c)   A material, other than a material described in subdivision (a) or (b) of this rule, which has a surface flame spread rating of not more than 25 in compliance with the provisions of R  400.18639   without  evidence  of continued progressive combustion and which is of such composition that surfaces that would be exposed by cutting through the material in any way would not have a flame spread rating of more than 25 without   evidence   of continued progressive combustion.

    "Panic hardware" means hardware that is listed as panic hardware in the accident, automotive, and burglary protection equipment lists, 1972, of  underwriters laboratories,  incorporated,  adopted by  reference  in   R 400.18659.

    "Plenum" means an air compartment or chamber to which 1 or more ducts are connected and which forms part of an air distribution system.

    "Protected ordinary construction" means a type of construction in which exterior bearing walls are made of masonry, roofs and interior framing are made of wood or other combustible material that is protected so as to afford at least a 1-hour-fire resistance rating,  and  the   ceilings  are attached unfurred directly to the underside of the roof joists without  an attic or open space above the ceiling joists.

    "Story" means that part of a building between a floor and the floor or roof next above. The first story shall be the lowest story of a building, the ceiling of which is located 5 feet or more above grade  for  more  than 25% of the perimeter measurement of that story. Other stories shall be referred to by numerical designations  in  their order  above  the   first story.

    "Wired glass" means glass which is not less than 1/4-inch thick, which  is reinforced with wire mesh, no. 24  gauge  or   heavier,  and   which   has openings that are not larger than 1 inch square.

History: 1994 AACS.