Section 408.10033. Machine controls .  

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  • Rule 33. (1) Powered electrical equipment shall have an on-off switch .

    (2)   When unexpected motion would cause injury, an actuating machine control, except for an  emergency  device   for  a  powered   fixed  or transportable machine, shall be guarded or located to  prevent  accidental actuation .

    (3)    Unless its function is self-evident, each operating control device shall be identified as to its function .

    (4)   A powered machine that is attended by more than 1 employee shall be equipped with an actuation device for each employee who is exposed to a point of operation hazard.  The  machine  shall  activate  only   after concurrent use of all actuation devices .

    (5)   When unexpected motion would cause injury, precautions shall be taken to prevent a machine from automatically restarting upon the restoration of power after a power failure .

    (6)   Where a machine work station is remotely located from the machine controls, either a red emergency stop device shall be provided at the machine work station if a hazard exists that could cause an injury or the actuation of the controls shall require continuous depression during the hazardous portion of the machine cycle .

    (7)      Equipment that is operated in series so that one piece of equipment automatically supplies another shall be interlocked so that when any equipment in the series is stopped for any reason, the initial stopping causes the upstream equipment to stop if continued operation would create a hazard. Reactivation shall require a separate positive  action  by  the employee who initiated the stop .

History: 1979 AC; 1993 AACS.