Section 408.10034. Machine guards and devices .  

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  • (1) Two hand-control devices shall be the anti-tie down  type and located in a manner to prevent bridging. Operation shall require manual activation of both controls until a point is reached in the cycle where the operator cannot remove his hands and place them within a pinch point. If repeating would cause an injury, an anti-repeat device shall be incorporated into the control system .

    (2)   Guards shall be secured to the machine, if possible, or to other fixed objects. The guard shall not create a hazard in itself .

    (3)    A point of operation guard or device shall be as prescribed in a specific standard, or, in the absence of a specific standard, shall be designed and constructed, when required, to prevent the machine operator exposed to the hazard from having any part of his body in the hazardous area during the operating cycle. A guard  or  device for the point of operation of a nonproduction arbor press or straightening press is not required if the machine is equipped with a hand control that is designed to stop the ram action or return the ram to the up position when released .

    (4)    Hand tools shall not be substituted for the required guarding or point of operation devices, except that a hand tool  may  be  used   as prescribed in subrule (5) for a press brake operation. Where hand tools are used for placing into, and removing material from, a point of operation, they shall be designed so that the operator is not required to place a hand within the point of operation .

    (5)   A bending operation on a press brake involving less than 25 pieces of 1 specific bend, if not guarded, shall require the use of a hand tool when the operator must hold the work piece within 4 inches of the point of operation, and a conspicuous sign shall be posted on the machine stating "Hand tools shall be used to hold stock."

    (6)   A revolving barrel, container, or drum exposed to contact shall be guarded by a standard barrier, an enclosure, or equivalent protection where a hazard exists. Access through a standard barrier or enclosure shall be by a gate equipped with an interlock, which   shall  disconnect    the  power  when  the  gate   is  opened  and   require  manual

    reactuation  of  a  start button. A constant pressure jog control that bypasses the interlock may be used to aid loading and unloading .

    (7)   Blades of a fan, located within 7 feet of a floor or working level and used for ventilation or cooling of an employee, shall be guarded with a firmly affixed or secured guard. Any opening in the guard shall have not more than 1 of its dimensions more than 1 inch and  the  distance  to  the blade shall not be less than that prescribed in table 1 .

    (8)   A fan used in process cooling whose blade is less than 7 feet above the floor or working level shall meet the distance requirements of table 2. Where the openings are larger than those shown in table 2, the distance from the guard to the blade shall prevent any part of the employee's body from making contact with the blade .

    (9)   When an employee is exposed to a hazard created by a pinch point other than point of operation, the hazard shall be guarded or the employee otherwise protected, except as permitted in R 408.10032(1) .

    (10)    A band or circular saw shall be guarded as prescribed in general industry safety standards commission rules  2722  and  2732  of  Part  27 .

    Wordworking Machinery, being R 408.12722 and R 408.12732 of   the    Michigan Administrative Code .

    (11)    An extractor, parts washer, or tumbler, manually controlled and equipped with an inside revolving cylinder, shall be equipped with a cover or door interlocked in such a manner as to prevent opening the door when the inside cylinder is in motion, and to prevent power operation of the inside cylinder when the cover or door is open.  An inch control or constant pressure control which bypasses the interlock may be used to aid loading and unloading .

    (12)   An employee shall not place his body beneath equipment, such as vehicles, machines, or materials, supported only by a jack, overhead hoist, chain fall, or any other temporary single supporting means, unless safety stands, blocks or other support system capable of supporting  the total imposed weight is used to protect the employee in case of failure of the supporting system .

    Table 1

    Smallest dimension in                                   Minimum distance from

    guard (inches):                                                guard to blade:

    Greater than 0 up to 1/4 inclusive                 1/2 inch Greater than 1/4 up to 3/8 inclusive                                   1 1/2 inches Greater than 3/8 up to 1/2 inclusive                           2 1/2 inches Greater than 1/2 up to 3/4 inclusive                           4 inches

    Greater than 3/4 up to 1 inclusive                 6 times the smallest dimension Table 2

    Distance of opening from point                  Maximum width of of operation hazard (inches)                              opening (inches)

    1/2 to 1 1/2


    1 1/2 to 2 1/2


    2 1/2 to 3 1/2


    3 1/2 to 5 1/2


    5 1/2 to 6 1/2


    6 1/2 to 7 1/2


    7 1/2 to 12 1/2

    1 1/4

    12 1/2 to 15 1/2

    1 1/2

    15 1/2 to 17 1/2

    1 7/8

    172 1/2 to 31 1/2

    2 1/8

History: 1979 AC.