Section 408.11233. Low pressure oxygen manifolds.  

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  • (1) The operating pressure of a low pressure oxygen manifold shall be not more than 250 psig. The following sign shall be posted at each low pressure oxygen manifold:

    Text Box: Low pressure manifold:
Do not connect high pressure cylinders Maximum pressure--250 psig

    (2)   A low   pressure  oxygen  manifold  shall  have  a  minimum   bursting pressure of 1,000 psig and shall be protected by a safety relief valve which will relieve at a maximum pressure of 500 psig. The safety relief vent shall discharge outside of the plant at a point away from a source of ignition and where reentry could not occur.

    (3)   A hose or hose connection subject to manifold pressure shall have a minimum bursting pressure of 1,000 psig.

    (4)  An assembled manifold including leads shall be tested and proved gas tight at a pressure of 300 psig (2070 kPa gage). The material used for testing oxygen manifolds shall be oil-free and not combustible.

History: 1979 AC.