Section 408.12406. Definitions; G to K.  

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  • (1) "Gate or movable barrier device" means a movable barrier arranged to enclose the point of operation before the press stroke can   be started.

    (2)   "Guard" means a barrier that prevents entry of the operator's hands or fingers into  the  point   of  operation.   See     408.12403(1),   R 408.12404(4), R 408.12405(4), and R 408.12406(7).

    (3)   "Guide post" means the pin attached to the upper or lower die shoe, operating within the bushing on the opposing die shoe, to  maintain  the alignment of the upper and lower dies.

    (4)   "Hand feeding tool" means a hand-held tool designed for placing or removing material or parts to be processed within or from  the   point  of operation.

    (5)     "Holdout  or   restraint device"  means  a  mechanism,   including attachments for operator's hands,  that,  when   anchored  and  adjusted, prevents the operator's hands from entering the point of operation.

    (6)   "Inch" means an intermittent motion imparted to  the  slide  (on machines using part revolution clutches) by momentary operation of  the "inch" operating means. Operation of the "inch" operating means engages the driving clutch so that a small  portion  of   1  stroke  or  indefinite stroking can occur, depending upon the length of time the "inch" operating means is held operated. "Inch" is a function used by the die setter for setup of dies and tooling, but is not intended for use during production operations by the operator.

    (7)   "Interlocked press barrier guard" means a barrier attached  to  the press frame and interlocked so that the press stroke cannot be started normally unless the guard itself,  or  its  hinged   or   movable   sections, enclose the point of operation.

    (8)   "Jog" means an intermittent motion imparted to the slide by momentary operation of the drive motor, after the clutch is  engaged  with the flywheel at rest.

    (9)   "Knockout" means a mechanism for releasing material from either die.

History: 1979 AC.