Section 408.12422. Brakes.  

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  • Rule 2422. (1) Friction brakes provided for stopping or holding the slide movement shall be set with compression springs. Brake capacity shall be sufficient to stop the motion of the slide quickly and shall be capable of holding the slide and its attachments at any point in its travel.

    (2)   When required by R 408.12461 of this part, the brake monitor shall meet the following requirements:

    (a)   Be so constructed as to automatically prevent the activation of a successive stroke if the stopping time or braking distance deteriorates to a point where the safety distance being utilized does not meet  the requirements prescribed in R 408.12463(1) and (7). The brake monitor used with the type B gate or movable barrier device shall be installed in a manner to detect slide top-stop overrun beyond the normal  limit  reasonably established by the employer.

    (b)   Be installed on a press in such a way that  it  indicates  when   the performance of the braking system has deteriorated to the extent described in subdivision (a) of this subrule.

    (c)     Be constructed and installed in a  manner  to  monitor  brake  system performance on each stroke or each time the brakes are applied.

History: 1979 AC.