Section 408.12431. Single stroke.  

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  • (1) Presses using full-revolution clutches shall incorporate a single- stroke mechanism, except that the  single-stroke   mechanism  may  be omitted if either of the following conditions is met:

    (a)   A press has barrier guards as prescribed in R 408.12462(1), (2), and (3) on all 4 sides and a second action is required to initiate the cycle after the machine has been energized by the start switch.

    (b)   A press is operated by 2 hand anti-repeat trips.

    (2) If the single-stroke mechanism is dependent upon spring action, the spring shall be of the compression type, operating on  a   rod  or  guided within a hole or tube, and designed to prevent interleaving of the  spring coils in event of breakage.

History: 1979 AC.