Section 408.16226. Controls.  

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  • (1) An operating control shall be guarded against accidental contact. A control button or lever shall be identified as to its function.

    (2)   If a machine requires more than 1 operator, and if each operator is exposed to a point of operation, the machine  shall  be   activated concurrently before the machine will operate.

    (3)   A machine shall be provided with an emergency stop control at each operator station. The stop control shall be red in color and readily accessible. A button, if used, shall have a mushroom shape.

    (4)    A machine shall be provided with a means which, upon power failure, will prevent automatic restarting upon the restoration of power. Fire, coolant, and sump pumps  are  excepted  from the  requirements  of  this subrule.

    (5)   When used, interlocks shall be installed to minimize the possibility of accidental operation or tampering.

    (6)   Where more than 1 operator is assigned to a plastic molding machine that is not equipped with interlocked gates and the operator is exposed to a point of operation, or when hazardous motion in or near the point of operation could cause injury, each operator shall be provided with a device that prevents reaching into the point of operation  during  the closing cycle.

    (7)   Two-hand control devices shall be located in a manner to prevent bridging.

History: 1979 AC; 1992 AACS.