Section 408.7098. Control and operating circuits.  

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  • The design and installation of the control and operating circuits shall conform to all of the following:

    (a)     A control system which depends on completion or maintenance of an electric circuit shall not be used for any of the following:

    (i)     Interruption of the power and application  of  machine  brake  at  the terminals.

    (ii)      Stopping of the car when the emergency stop switch in the car is opened or when any of the electrical protective devices operate.

    (iii)     Stopping the machine when the safety applies.

    (b)      A spring used to actuate a switch, contactor, or relay to break the circuit to stop a car at the terminal shall be of the compression type.

    (c)     The failure of a single magnetically operated switch or relay or contactor to release or operate in the intended manner, or the occurrence of a single accidental ground, shall not permit the car to run.

History: 2003 AACS.