Section 460.131. Publication of procedures.  

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  • (1) A utility shall prepare a pamphlet that, in easily understood terms, summarizes the rights and responsibilities of its  customers  in accordance with these rules and other  applicable  provisions  of  statutes, rules, and tariffs.

    (2)    A utility shall display the pamphlet prominently at all utility office locations open to the general public and make it available to customers. A utility shall also make the information available on its website. A utility shall transmit the pamphlet to each new customer upon the commencement  of service and shall provide it at all times upon request. Where substantial revisions to or new information required by the provisions of subrule (3) of this rule occur, the utility shall provide the changes to all current customers by a bill insert, revised pamphlet, or  by  publication  in   a periodical that is sent to all current customers of the utility and to the commission. The form of this transmittal shall be at the discretion of the utility.

    (3)     The  pamphlet  or  other   publication  shall   contain  all  of      the      following information:

    (a)  Billing procedures and estimation standards.

    (b)   Methods for customers to verify billing accuracy.

    (c)     An  explanation   of  the  power  supply   cost  recovery   or  gas  cost     recovery procedures.

    (d)  Customer payment standards and procedures.

    (e)   ) Security deposit and guarantee standards.

    (f)  ) Shutoff and restoration of service procedures.

    (g)   Inquiry, service, and complaint procedures.

    (h)   Procedures for terminating service.

    (4)  Each pamphlet  shall  indicate  conspicuously  that   the  pamphlet  is provided in accordance with the rules of the commission.

History: 2007 AACS.